

played 3 games vs cyanerds and fladap, lost the first one on nagrand arena, almost 1 shot ftw (when we lost, we diddnt rage, diddnt call them shit etc)
then on ring of valor, we won (after this game, they called us both awful, and said that cyanerds DCd, turns out they meant he DCd after fladdap died, so it wasnt an excuse which is ok)
then on blade's edge, we won (they overlapped a blind and deepfreeze on me and i trinketed that which cyanerds wasnt happy about)

anyway, thats what happened and this is just some of the rage after (swis got just as much rage as i did, even some on skype too, i might post later)

outstanding calm troll will be one to remember :)
Outstanding guess EU twinks get rather angry :eek:
i've ordered you some herbal tea because you seem angry
hope you're okay

love dynlolx

JK dog rogue&mage@70&80
"who are you, no gladis, no rank1s"
cyanerd have only 1 gladi title which he bought via accountplay, fladdap/yow also HAD only 1 gladi title via exploiting(wintrading at lvl 70 to 2,7k rating and then go to 85), he still have the GLADIATOR achievement but no feath of strenght.. btw, both player are stupid wintrader(check out their 70s chars or their whole guild), stupid subhumans
/cheers fanboys

edit: both of them never was higher than 2,2k rating LEGIT, even in a twinkbracket (yes, they also tradet at 80s)
next edit: i saw a picture from cyanders via skype, prolly the most uglyest person in the world
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Can you find the picture?

Also... Since i was told Cyanerd is danish.. i would just like to say, that there arent Colleges in Denmark, atleast not the way you think of a college ( where you live at a place closeby etc..) So unless he is studying abroad, that is a lie..

Also.. i dislike these threads, but this 1 is funny
this is hilarious
This is really funny given everyone knows Cyanerds bought all of his stuff. Like, I don't play in this bracket, I don't visit this bracket (I just swung by because I might join) and I know this to be common knowledge. Not sure how this kid gets off talking trash using a title / char he BOUGHT. Sad..

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