Rage Potions


I've just found the recipe for Rage Potion , what's your opinion, my fellow warriors (and guardian druids if you exist), on this potion?

The mats are a pain to farm, Sharp Claw drop chance is pretty low, I'm farming them on the Ghostclaw Ravagers in Ghostlands but 7% it's pretty time consuming, given that 2xSharp Claws are needed for only one potion...
I've never found them to be anywhere near worth the effort. Rage generation is too dynamic for a potion to be game-changing, in my opinion/experience.
The only time I really ever use a rage potion is when I have a healer on me and I have no need for a health pot. It's nice to have that extra rage to get an execute off.
The question with thing's like that is always 'When do I use it, When do I use it?'.

Your basic Charge Opener will give you 20 rage
13 from having one melee in battle
10 rage from MS = 43. Plus the average rage generation on the potion would make that 73, which is just about the time you want to start rage dumping.

So do you use it with healers that piss you off? Well if I needed a rage potion for every nelf druid, or human holy paladin that deserved one... I would need ALOT of rage potions.

It reminds me of Unconscious Dig Rat, which I have been itching to use.. but who is it really ever worth using it on?
I use beer for balancing my rage.... after a couple your execute is always ready.... and the farming is much much easier... . not to mention you get a recycling fee 20 silver/can.
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For arms, I can sit in defensive stance with little rage problems.

As fury, I can sit in Battle stance and there's not enough rage in this world that can feed my urges to pour wild strikes down your throat.

In my conclusion, rage potions would be most beneficial to a fury warrior. I doubt it'll be game changing. Who knows, maybe get a few lucky crusader procs? pop a rage potion and go to town! *cough* for 1 extra hit.
It is really effective, as Crystalpall mentioned, it can be a game-changing factor. IF you do not have enough rage to throw an execute, then the battle itself is meant to go on, for much longer. But if you had that potion, it could have ended there.

EDIT : Either way, this is 2 much time consuming. I have never really farmed for this, even tho i knew it was a good item to get, but what Guglielmo said...
Farmed lynxs for 30 minutes, killed 100-150, just 4 claws showed up, I have to say: not worth the time.

(Bad RNG is bad)

But i have an idea, since queue times are high af... you can just sit there killing for a week, then leave it be, and then decide when to/not to use it in battle.
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