Racail Ability Changes!


The misspelling of the thread title was just to grab your attention!

This just in. I knew undead were getting something. I just...knew.

Gun Specialization has been reworked: Expertise with ranged weapons increased by 1%.

Bow Specialization has been reworked: Expertise with ranged weapons increased by 1%.

Underwater Breathing has been renamed Touch of the Grave: Your attacks and damaging spells have a chance to drain the target, dealing 13,680 Shadow damage and healing you for the same amount.

From this post: MMO-Champion - Mists of Pandaria Beta - Build 15739

...and yeah I posted the same thing in the 1-9 forum, but i thought it would be nice to have it here too.
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Lol, I posted this in the Ranged Getting Buffed in MoP topic :p We do need a stand-alone topic for it though. Interested in the Undead racial, makes me regret certain class choices I've made.
which meand undead will be able to oneshot ppl till lvl 70? :D
anyway its a nice change

but nothing beats the free trinket Humans have :(
While the racials are vaguely interesting, 1% crit or 1% expertise, is basically the same thing. I found the account-wide mounts to be more interesting. Not all of them, but some, and it seems The Horseman's Reins - Item - World of Warcraft could be one of them, which is a mount I've always liked.

The undead one will obviously scale with level and will either be OP or, more likely, next to useless.
On AP the Human racial is a wasted racial because the odds of getting 1 AGM are nil, much less 2 AGM's.

If u know the right persons, i guess it isn't
And there are far too many humans with both AGM's in our bracket (at least in the Lofi's F2P achi list).

point is - one bird doesn't make a flock
that racial is so OP I can't even describe.
The BE racial is just as op IMHO... As a caster, a well-played BE rogue wont let me get a single cast off.
quit bitching about the human trinket
humans dont have any resists unlike other characters.There have been many times idwish for that 20 resist to whatever(arcane,nature,etc) instead of 1 free out of jail card
I'm disappointed I can now drown again on my UD.

First they let me die when I fall from high places. And now I can drown in the water.

Seems a bit absurd. I'll be writing a strongly worded letter to Blizzard about my concerns.
In this bracket, the human racial is the 2nd most OP racial just after shadowmeld.

ihave nelf hunter, and all i can tell you is that shadowmeld is useless(might be semi useful for rouges/warriors, but warriors will be able to charge incombat in MoP so it will be even more useless).Unless you do some weird shit like dueling/2vs2 arenas/whatever ,but in the grand scheme of things-its worthless.
Only time it couldbe semi useful on a hunter-get a cat that can stealth,stealth urself inthe flagroom and ambush the last enemy

id gladly trade shadowmeld for almost any racial.
Shadowmeld is OP for EVERY class.

Poly? Lolol no. Shadowmeld.
Explosive Shot? Nononono. Shadowmeld
Roots? Hell no.
Frostbolt? I don't think so.
ihave nelf hunter, and all i can tell you is that shadowmeld is useless(might be semi useful for rouges/warriors, but warriors will be able to charge incombat in MoP so it will be even more useless).Unless you do some weird shit like dueling/2vs2 arenas/whatever ,but in the grand scheme of things-its worthless.
Only time it couldbe semi useful on a hunter-get a cat that can stealth,stealth urself inthe flagroom and ambush the last enemy

id gladly trade shadowmeld for almost any racial.

Then you clearly have no idea how to use Shadowmeld well.

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