R.I.P Rngmonsterx


Title says it, so gonna leave this short and simple.
Basically i dont like this patch, or mop 70 for that matter.. 5.3 was probs the best patch since mop hit.
I have alot of reasons quitting the bracket and the game in general.
Mage is strong now at 70 but alot of my good home boys have quit the bracket since this patch so i dont see much point in playing it.

Thanks to all my awesome friends that made the seventy bracket so fun for all the years i've played it. You all know who you are so not gonna mention names!
Might be back if they fix the bracket in general.

Rng out xo
you will always be my mainman ryan. as of today i dont see a lot of reasons to keep playing 70 because alot of my closest ingamefriends have quit the bracket. i even convinced johnny (aka hexlol, dräkexd) to buy MoP to play some 90 with me and he did because of the awful condition of this bracket atm.


one of the best memories with you is all the fucking duels we did

keep it real man

Sad to see you leave, you were a really nice guy and had alot of fun with you, however take care man! you will be missed
Cya mate. Was fun. Hope you enjoy whatever you gonna do next.

On a sidenote: I'm quitting the game as well. At least for a while. Bye!
I think i have heard you say bye to the bracket sometime before... hmm.. oh yeah atleast 6 times xD my answer will be same as it has been 6 times earlier Cy@ in 2 weeks

love you anyway darling <3
Take care Ry,
Good luck with everything

Hope to see you back soon man:D
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Cya ryan i hope you have fun time in future! :), btw im gonna cry soon all my 70 homeboys are quitting...
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