Quitting WoW!


Hey peeps and pipettes, as the title says I am quitting WoW for good ( IRL reasons- finally! )

The reason i'm making this thread isn't compassion or empathy,

It is because i will be giving away my two warriors ( 2 accounts ),

There is about two dozen ppl whom i concider worthy of them, both skill wise & moral wise and are also nice ppl ( unlike yours truly! )

These ppl know who they are, i have expressed my respect to their skill/moral recognition a fiew times in the game.

So all those who are interested, just P.M. me and i will make a decission in 2 weeks time ( making it 2 weeks reaction time so everyone can see the thread )

That being said, i'd like to say goodbye to all with whom i have enjoyed playing with/against, you know who you are-would be a rather long list to mention you all, especially the aggra crew ( have to emphasize Kraud,Cele,Reham), Qball on BS, etc...

Like everything else in life, everything that is fun doesn't last forever.

Best regards to all of you !

Alphasky ! :)


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Goodbye Alphasky, I will miss running around with you in dem bgs xD
Hope you will enjoy your life man!

Best regards Destroluck
Went ahead and added EU to your title. I wish you best of luck to you and IRL. Two beautiful F2P twinks. I'd hope you to hold onto them in case you come up with more Free time.

Best of luck!
Nooooo, Alpha. ):

I remember all the way since 2011 when I mainly played Alliance, you were one of those faces I loved to face against. If I saw your face on the scoreboard at the start of a match, I'd know I'd be in for one hell of a ride. I still remember those awesome mid-clashes. And then all the fun times when I started spending time on Horde too.

Damn, it's been 3 years already, huh. You're one of those folks I'm genuinely glad I got to meet and hang out with. *big hug*

Don't give the accounts away! Skirmishes are going to get scaling soon. Maybe try out the game then!

Take care, Alpha. Good luck with everything in life.
Goodbye Alpha, my fellow f2p Burning Steppes warrior.
Wish you the best of luck irl and had some fun times on Agg and BS with you.
Goodbye and GL in IRL, i never had the chance to face you in game... anyway, ithink you SHOULD'NT sell your account or give ti away... after some years you may decide to return and ... idk... nostalgia.
It is your choice.
Best of luck IRL!!!
It was a pleasure facing you in WSG/AB these last few years Alpha. You're a great sport.

All the best in your Irl adventures.
davati vjenčanje pozivanje!

Ok I am 2 months offline and now this?
Is your fridge finally empty and u have to prostitute again? :p

Not much more to say here but enjoy life, hopefully never turn around and always do what is best for you.
At best give your accs to Kraud to keep em warm, eventually you come back for a good ol´spanking!
Also we still have a beer-appointement!

Bis die Tage, Dicker

Qball on BS, etc...
My final punishment it seems :(
Awwww!!! Have a good life, alpha! I will miss the way you played those pretty orcs and that epic signature of yours! <3
Aww darn,.
Well, was a pleasure playing with you for all these months buddy.

Atleast on the bright side i finally wont have to afk bgs so alliance has a chance,you know.

Wish you all the good luck and happines in life man.
You will be missed.
Best of luck dude! Hope to see you return though since playing with/vs people with your winning attitude is what makes good games epic! Until next time...take care!
But, but whom will I heal now? Who will show me what he picked from his nose?

I will repeat after others: dont give away your accounts. If you ever feel like coming back, your warrior will be waiting for you, ready to be somewhat medicore once again. Ive taken breaks as well in past, even 1 year long. You might come back at some point, sooner or later, leave yourself at least 1 account.

However if you dont come back... Its been fun having you around. Take care!
Never got a chance to meet you. Judging by all the comments, you were quite the warrior. Guess I'm sad I never really had a chance to get to know ya. Anyway good luck IRL. But like some have been saying, I'd keep your accounts. Just in case.

EDIT: I've quit and come back after a long time, losing everything I had once. It definitely wasn't something I liked, having to farm up what I once had, losing all the GF'd items. Just my personal opinion.
You had it down to a fine art man... It will take hours to find something you suck at as naturally as WoW :(

It is because i will be giving away my two warriors ( 2 accounts ),

Was about time TBH. It was comparable to a learner driver in a Ferrari.

Anyways, Smell ya later.
that sux hard^^
i come back n u go :(
hold ur acc dude...1 year befor u ask me, i say the same and now i'm happy that i got my trial acc.

wish u all the best and hope see u again...anytime..
my fav orc leave me *cry*
always a amuse play against u.

Hail Alpha!
Nooooooooo :( pls

Don't give account away... give it to Kraud or something to hold.. You will want to play again :(

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