Quitting retail wow

For those who are looking for a private server, you can play with me on Emerald dream (feenix).

Vanilla patch 1:12
1x exp rate
1000+ players during peak hour and the lowest pop is around 400 population. (Very popular server).
And gradual content release. Almost everyone is still leveling to 60 and Dire Maul hasn't been released yet so if you start now you're not going to be behind the majority of players.

I'm an alliance NE hunter under the name -snowtime. Would be great playing with or against some of you in the future.

But those who are set on corecraft, have fun there also.
Cya around Medan. It really was a great time doing arenas with you and aty early on in f2p and beating ap horde premades on some of the first wsg weekends. Good luck on corecraft and maybe I'll check it out some time when I get bored with retail and have the time.

Good luck, Medan. The arenas I've played against Aty & you are probably one of the more fun games I've had in F2P.
Cya around Medan. It really was a great time doing arenas with you and aty early on in f2p and beating ap horde premades on some of the first wsg weekends. Good luck on corecraft and maybe I'll check it out some time when I get bored with retail and have the time.


Would be nice if you checked it out. Its gonna be up in a few months^^

Good luck, Medan. The arenas I've played against Aty & you are probably one of the more fun games I've had in F2P.

Thanks^^ Indeed, was a lot of fun:)
So, I made an account, but how do you start playing? Is there a download section I'm not seeing?
Not sure how this works. >,<

Iv mentioned before, but the server is not released yet. Also they made a new web page that they just upploaded.

Click the link you get on their twitter page: https://twitter.com/wocorecraft

Just ask any questions you might have there:)
Later man - you are and will remain the iconic f2p rogue for those that were here since ~July '11.


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