Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

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i personally have nothing against you riece but your guild is the cancer of the bracket. GY camping EU to kill to prove a point? just amazing.

point proving is like mega productive.
Inb4 all TL say ur bad stfu I'm best eu :) and all that stuff which isn't true ;)
i personally have nothing against you riece but your guild is the cancer of the bracket. GY camping EU to kill to prove a point? just amazing.

point proving is like mega productive.

its becuz datinla and quack are so fuckin annoyin, and becuz as soon as a few tl members que up we get instant pestered by 1 of those 2 telling us "gtfo off shammy, shammy too op rather u go boomkin" and retarded shit like that.
its becuz datinla and quack are so fuckin annoyin, and becuz as soon as a few tl members que up we get instant pestered by 1 of those 2 telling us "gtfo off shammy, shammy too op rather u go boomkin" and retarded shit like that.

a 12yr and dat say a few word on the internet and you guys go ape shit. nice one
a 12yr and dat say a few word on the internet and you guys go ape shit. nice one

i couldnt care about what they say tbh
your bad stfu im best eu
its becuz datinla and quack are so fuckin annoyin, and becuz as soon as a few tl members que up we get instant pestered by 1 of those 2 telling us "gtfo off shammy, shammy too op rather u go boomkin" and retarded shit like that.
dude i never said anything of that and i got mad because youre obviously trying to get a few players as possible to go que up and play eu
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