Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

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always nice to see Mesikämmen and Jva Afking out of games... but thats nothing new now, is it ?

elaborate which game plx so maybe I have an excuse for you

Also don't know why you posting this here, was there a specific reason for you to? Never really even talk to you or give a hoot about you, don't get you're trying to bait and troll me here and there :)
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Slack is in queue again xo
elaborate which game plx so maybe I have an excuse for you

Also don't know why you posting this here, was there a specific reason for you to? Never really even talk to you or give a shit about you, don't get you're trying to bait and troll me here and there :) Maybe some of the symptoms of being a shithead?

every game the past week
I see you afking everyday atleast 4-5 games.

I see a lot of unbalanced games a day where I'd rather play on the other side for challenge than farm the gy / run 3-0 caps. Still have no idea why you're trying to bait me though? Holding a grudge against me for something? Please PM and maybe we'll figure a way to get your problems sorted <3
Mesi and some others usually afk to help the other side.
Yeah maybe sometimes ( once a month / two months ) he Mage ragequit game ( if he even does ) but mesikämmen is a nice guy :)
Stubs doesn't afk a game even if gy farmed it's if his team is 100% awful he'd afk
Please stop this trolling guys.
( throwing it out there I afk if I gtg or brb to eat or just a team of randoms )
I see a lot of unbalanced games a day where I'd rather play on the other side for challenge than farm the gy / run 3-0 caps. Still have no idea why you're trying to bait me though? Holding a grudge against me for something? Please PM and maybe we'll figure a way to get your problems sorted <3

Funny thing is, majority of the games you do leave is on the Alliance side when Iam queuing on horde, thats the few times i see you actually afk out of games, because its an obvious lose, but you do actually stay in the game pretty long then you just afk out

i just find it funny it is players like you and jva who often is apart of crying as soon as Tough Love members afks out, but you 2 are probally the guys in the EU bracket who afks out of most games.
Mesi and some others usually afk to help the other side.
Yeah maybe sometimes ( once a month / two months ) he Mage ragequit game ( if he even does ) but mesikämmen is a nice guy :)
Stubs doesn't afk a game even if gy farmed it's if his team is 100% awful he'd afk
Please stop this trolling guys.
( throwing it out there I afk if I gtg or brb to eat or just a team of randoms )

Stop trolling.
Funny thing is, majority of the games you do leave is on the Alliance side when Iam queuing on horde, thats the few times i see you actually afk out of games, because its an obvious lose, but you do actually stay in the game pretty long then you just afk out

i just find it funny it is players like you and jva who often is apart of crying as soon as Tough Love members afks out, but you 2 are probally the guys in the EU bracket who afks out of most games.

I usually take my leave also when I see a premade of ele/boomkin/hunter/rdruid/FC on either team, because I've witnessed a lot of those premades in MoP games and it has nearly never led to a game that is fun for either side. Hence I'd rather do something that is actually fun meanwhile, and return when there are less premades running.

Oh well mate, bear in mind my offer about using the PM system to get in contact with me, always glad to help people sort out their problems!

Mesi and some others usually afk to help the other side.

I'm glad at least someone has noticed this :)
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I usually take my leave also when I see a premade of ele/boomkin/hunter/rdruid/FC on either team, because I've witnessed a lot of those premades in MoP games and it has nearly never led to a game that is fun for either side. Hence I'd rather do something that is actually fun meanwhile, and return when there are less premades running.

Oh well mate, bear in mind my offer about using the PM system to get in contact with me, always glad to help people sort out their problems!

I'm glad at least someone has noticed this :) [/COLOR]

You hardly ever /afk at the start of a game, you leave about ten to fifteen minutes in.
You hardly ever /afk at the start of a game, you leave about ten to fifteen minutes in.

Nope man, not correct. Oh well, keep spreading bullshit if that makes you feel better. Already asked to elaborate when have I afked out so I can provide some reasoning, but no responses so I take it as you just want to make me mad by posting this bs. Sorry, not happening so just carry on.
Nope man, not correct. Oh well, keep spreading bullshit if that makes you feel better. Already asked to elaborate when have I afked out so I can provide some reasoning, but no responses so I take it as you just want to make me mad by posting this bs. Sorry, not happening so just carry on.
I'm sorry but that is what I saw with my own eyes. I played one game today, you (along with Kerul and Jva) /afk'd about five minutes before the end. I saw you leave twice yesterday, five to ten minutes before the end again.

I'm not denying that you sometimes log over to the weaker faction but you are one of the players with the highest "ragequit" rate in the bracket at the moment.

I am just bringing it up because the majority of the players who now constantly leave lost games are the ones who have been going on about Tough Love /afk'ing for ages.
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