Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

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You had great teams all night...

All I saw was endless midfight, with whole team tunneling midcontrol/gycontain strat so hard that they forgot the objective, which lead to alliance loss every game due to horde getting free easy caps.

Wouldn't call them competitive even if both teams were able to smash dps with ranged classes @ mid...
All I saw was endless midfight, with whole team tunneling midcontrol/gycontain strat so hard that they forgot the objective, which lead to alliance loss every game due to horde getting free easy caps.

Wouldn't call them competitive even if both teams were able to smash dps with ranged classes @ mid...

What... we were running flags constantly, and i was pretty much spending the entire game splitting with Nic to kill Fc/people who tried to pass. Guess i forgot the objective here somehow...

Edit: wait i misread, u meant ally teams.
i played two games around 5ish, and unless they changed big time alli teams was dreadful.

Mesikämmen and Avj afk'd obviously when the game was lost.

No, not really... Loss when being contained or loss while containing the other team and forgetting there is a objective, doesn't change anything.
Why is that? Do you expect the alliance teams to go from getting farmed to dominating games and 3-0'ing in no time? At least they are able to fight back now, that's a good thing in my opinion.
Ally also had some nice teams and could have won some games if they didnt fucked it up due to the same stupid mistakes over and over again.
That was my reason to afk the last game otherwise i would have destroyed my monitor....
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