Okay you got me here, i've got no excuses here for throwing the games nor to afk after, prayer was already done.
But i swear to god i've did it for the following reasons that i do believe i've done right thing. I'm sorry for the whole alliance besides thoses 2 Hunters Ishooturface and Outplayedyo consistently trash talking my mates without any reasons on /bg chat.
I don't really like the meta game nowadays, i do prefer O and D system, like back wrath or TBC, that's why i did go O even with the flag so you have an idea of what Junoo do everyday without intention for which reasons ? TL special boycott ? Hating the meta ? Only God know ?
Keep in mind you would probably have won this one, if actually didn't want to throw for the reasons i've said before. The first cap was really well played with you Horde ramp when you manage to grip 1 rogue from me when the second one opened, it give me some sick charges peels to get of melees range and cross mid easy.
I feel bad, because you changed your way to see TL as a guild that are looking for competition, but i actually believe that PUG will never be competitive, TL is aiming for something bigger like premade scene. And we have the highest win-lose ratio @19 all of times no matters expansions.
I do believe that one day you guys will understand that TL is something immortal, be better than your opponents on the same field or get out the bracket.