
I play a 19 priest because I've never played a healer. Hit 20 on my warrior and to many hunters, the two classes I played as mains. I got tired of chasing end game gear so started in this bracket because its active.

Guild is a no name on a no name realm.
i play pallydin 19 because im the best at it, people are gonna tell you hunters are op but i rape the shit outta them with ease cuz im farley

PROT DPS because i can run arround on my dark-blue goat and throw teh boomerang and interrupt dem niggers trying to cast evil spells on me

used to play holy but quit it because it became too commercial

guild: HI ITS ME , with buddy aiden we gon' fuck shit up till we reach space
I play a shaman cause I dont really enjoy playing overpowered classes...

Im with Static cause I <3 the people in the guild and we have a lot of fun messing around

I play 19s cause its an active and competitive bracket with a lot of amazing trolling threads to read on TI
Rogue, warrior, shaman, druid. I play for WT cuz cyclone #1. 19s are great for all the tastey drama and gossip. Everyone is too friendly in the other brackets.
well BB i might just get to play with you after all in the 19s my horde druid is almost ready should have agm today and be decently geared by this weekend (to busy gearing my main druid in bgs)
I play a Pally. I play them because they can do any role in WSG. They are best healers, and can do good damage and carry the flag. Im in my 85 raiding guild because I like the people and the perks.

I play 19's because end game is starting to bore me and I like same of the games in 19
I play a Paladin, a Rogue and sometimes my bad Mage. I'm not gonna lie - I like them because they are good at this level, but also I got all these three in level 85 and I love to PvP with them at that lvl so I figured I prolly would at this lvl too.

I play on a completely dead server, I don't mind queueing alone. The only bad thing being on a non-populated twink-server is that it's hard to duel someone as practice.

I played the 19 bracket because I've played it since '07 (Warrior that is now perm-banned), created my Rogue in '08. The bracket is clearly not optimal in its current state, but I still like it in some way.
I play a FC resto druid because my main is a druid and am kinda used to playing one, also I LOVE droods. I didnt want to roll a faceroll class which every other 19 plays. I have a 19 hunter with bis Fc and dps gear excluding LFH and agm, but very rarely play on it... Dont know why, i like playing on it but 95% of the time o just play on my druid.

Sorry for the poorly written post, just gettin used to my new phone.

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