

Im thinkin about joinin the 19 twink bracket! Ive played warlock in WoW for a while now but Im not sure whats

good; so what do you play and why? What guild are you in and why? And why do you play the 19 bracket? Lets keep comments on topic and towards my questions please!
what I play and why: I play a priest, I rolled it back in bc because I thought itd be fun and it is! Though i wish i still had dispel.

guild: <Om Nom Nom MOAN> It's my guild and Im the only active player in it.

why I play in 19 bracket: Fun times
what I play and why: I have played every healing class at 19 at some point, though I must say Druid was my favorite. Healing classes generally have alot of tools, less now, but still have an ary of CC, Dps and of course healing abilities.

guild: <BOOTY CREW> Rep till I'm fucking dead.

why I play in 19 bracket: I've been here since Vanilla and still play with some of the same people. I've tried other brackets, thought currently my only other options are 70's or 85's, and I enjoy 19's the most, though most of the community is brain-dead troll-bait. There are some quality players, and Engi isn't fucking stupid.
what i play and why : warrior, been playing since bc and i love it

guild: Waw Tawent IMO the best guild to be in, a huge amount of active good twinks

why i play the 19 bracket: this is the only reason why i still play wow, yes some people are retarded and troll, but a good amount of ppl care about this bracket and want to have fun
What I play: Fc war/Druid

Why: because I've been FC'n on Druid since vanilla, so I figured I'd transition into the new era. And of course to be #1

Guild: Machine gun clicks. Great players and funny as hell.

All in all I'd say bleeding hallow is the way to go for server, guild will come with skill base. Try to play something you haven't played before if you want a fresh start at 19,
make a name for yourself
being #1 is impossible, strive to be good not #1
what i play and why : Hunter, always was playing my lock so when they became not viable i wanted to faceroll people, so here i am

guild: Lunatic Fringe beacause we've been twinking for quite a while together now and it just feels right(good ass players to)

why i play the 19 bracet: It's the only reason i play WoW anymore been playing since vanilla, wasn't really good back then and now that i can sorta manage it's really fun
What I play and why: Hunter and Priest mainly - Priest came first because thats about the only class Ive ever liked in WoW. My main is a priest and Ive been playing at high ratings on him for a few years (2500) so like 4 years ago or something I decided to make a 19 Endlessfate (whom was leveled to 20 when cata came out
but I had 2 endless fates so I just used the 2nd). And hunter is just some faceroll fun.

Guild: Yousa Dirty Girl currently - Guild comes from shadowburn roots before the shadowburners xfered to cyclone. (Aktis, Commix, Wapster, Saze, myself..#1 and a few other randoms who we just knew from being Acale.) Name comes from Rob & Big when they sing that song. We used to sing it in vent while we played against a few different females in shadowburn and we'd just joke and say they were our dirty gir's.

Why I play the 19 bracket: I cant remember the exact reason I got into it it was too long ago. Aktis would probably remember..we started at about the same time I think. Ive always enjoyed the community its been funny as hell since I can remember. Shadowburn was hilarious with drama. Intense drama would go down every single day on the forums and Ive never laughed so hard over this game. Miss those days for sure. CMN #1

"yo ive been reading the battleground forums and there are all these posts made by 19 twinks (some more shit followed but i dont even remember) ima make a 19 priest... you mikey and sean need to make something and we'll just dominate hua"

"wait, what the fuck are battleground forums?"

"the WoW forums dooooood"

"there are WoW forums.... what the fuck?"


"alright well fuck what should i make?"

so it began.............. hahahahha

OmG do i miss shadowburn days, #1.... most fun ive had playing this game

and LOL @ razzle...saze <3's u deep down
bump! 1 more question! Whats with the bh server? Filled w/ 19s? Any world pvp events on that server?
[font=courier new,courier,monospace]I play a paladin because paladin is one of my favorite class, I also play every other class in the 19 bracket occasionally besides warlock.[/font]

[font=courier new,courier,monospace]Do you like this font?[/font]

[font=courier new,courier,monospace]Edit: BH is home to a large amount of 19 twinks who often do arenas and duels together.[/font]
I've been playing a priest since late vanilla in 29s. Everyone was rolling rogues and hunters back then. Imagine that!! My main was a protection warrior so I wanted to be different. After playing 29s and 39s extensively the brackets died and a group of us decided to roll 19s (Masta Ballerz)

Currently in WT after following some of MB there as well as the chance to play with old Detox (Mtvriffraff,Pizza,Phatz)
I play paladin because it is one of the most diverse classes in the bracket and i can never get bored cause i can always play a different spec.

I use to be in <Wolf Pack Assemble> on firetree until it broke up, currently im just in me and my friends twink guild Guoirinir.
Im thinkin about joinin the 19 twink bracket! Ive played warlock in WoW for a while now but Im not sure whats

good; so what do you play and why? What guild are you in and why? And why do you play the 19 bracket? Lets keep comments on topic and towards my questions please!

-I play a 19 mage because its the only class I really enjoy playing, and I enjoy watching people rage after I cc them.

-I'm in WT because it's a committed group of players, who are experienced and have been playing for a long time.

-The only reason I'm still playing 19s is because of my guild. I would have quit awhile ago if it wasn't for them.
What I play: A 19 rogue, I've got a druid aswell but I rarely play it.

Why: I enjoy their mechanics and the whole idea behind them.

Guild: SSDD

Why I play in the 19 bracket: Basically I made my twink years ago for lulz, but I slowly began to enjoy it more than endgame. When cata was released I quit endgame completely.

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