So with the new pvp system in legion the stats are normalized and all now within instanced pvp. My questions are as such.
At 101 I can duel and wpvp against people lower than 110 and win and even against some 110s, with skinny milk being used, but it's always a struggle with the miss miss BS. Are 101 twinks any better in ipvp than wpvp due to the scaling of ilvl? I don't plan on leveling up my hunter by any means, I love him at 101, but it's just a curiosity thing of "Are 101 twinks only good at 1 shotting people under 110 or fresh/bad 110s"
At 109 is it more beneficial to wpvp against people in similar gear as, for example, my 101 BM hunter at 847 ilvl and stand more of a chance at a 110 than my 101 would? In instanced pvp how does a 109 fair with the scaling compared to a 101.
Reasons why I'm asking: I currently have a 101 hunter and a 103 sin rogue (originally planned on twinking her but I figured i'd level her to 110 since i already planned on transferring my hunt over) and since blizz won't de-level my rogue I figured I'd twink her at 109, but if it's not too much of a difference power wise and such at 109 and 110 then I might just level her to 110 instead since I'm more interested in the wpvp side of it on her. Just haven't done much pvp this expansion since they normalized stats and stuff in instanced pvp (rip to my 19 twink..) and just wanted to ask around to those who do twink 109 and see what my course/plan of action should be.
Do note: Gold is not an issue to me lol. If I need to spend a butt ton to twink her out I'll be glad to, just wanted some validation/confirmation on what it is that I should be doing with her since she's already passed the 101 level. (IF push comes to shove and 101 really is the best route i can always just buy a char boost on another rogue and twink that one out at 101)
Sorry if this is a stupid question, just something that's been irking me lately is all..
Tl;Dr I have a 103 rogue, for wpvp and ipvp, would it be better to twink her out at 109 or just go on and level to 110 with her and get geared up to 880+. IF not either of those should I just boost another rogue and twink at 101 if my main goal with her is ipvp and wpvp? What are the pros and cons of the choices? (101, 109, 110) for ipvp and wpvp?
At 101 I can duel and wpvp against people lower than 110 and win and even against some 110s, with skinny milk being used, but it's always a struggle with the miss miss BS. Are 101 twinks any better in ipvp than wpvp due to the scaling of ilvl? I don't plan on leveling up my hunter by any means, I love him at 101, but it's just a curiosity thing of "Are 101 twinks only good at 1 shotting people under 110 or fresh/bad 110s"
At 109 is it more beneficial to wpvp against people in similar gear as, for example, my 101 BM hunter at 847 ilvl and stand more of a chance at a 110 than my 101 would? In instanced pvp how does a 109 fair with the scaling compared to a 101.
Reasons why I'm asking: I currently have a 101 hunter and a 103 sin rogue (originally planned on twinking her but I figured i'd level her to 110 since i already planned on transferring my hunt over) and since blizz won't de-level my rogue I figured I'd twink her at 109, but if it's not too much of a difference power wise and such at 109 and 110 then I might just level her to 110 instead since I'm more interested in the wpvp side of it on her. Just haven't done much pvp this expansion since they normalized stats and stuff in instanced pvp (rip to my 19 twink..) and just wanted to ask around to those who do twink 109 and see what my course/plan of action should be.
Do note: Gold is not an issue to me lol. If I need to spend a butt ton to twink her out I'll be glad to, just wanted some validation/confirmation on what it is that I should be doing with her since she's already passed the 101 level. (IF push comes to shove and 101 really is the best route i can always just buy a char boost on another rogue and twink that one out at 101)
Sorry if this is a stupid question, just something that's been irking me lately is all..
Tl;Dr I have a 103 rogue, for wpvp and ipvp, would it be better to twink her out at 109 or just go on and level to 110 with her and get geared up to 880+. IF not either of those should I just boost another rogue and twink at 101 if my main goal with her is ipvp and wpvp? What are the pros and cons of the choices? (101, 109, 110) for ipvp and wpvp?