Questions about 39 hunters


Hi out there.

As i find the 39 bracket interesting, and already have a 35 hunter, i would like to twink it.

Here are some questions:

1. Do hunters own in the 39 bracket?

2. Is it possible that you could link me an armory of a good/perfect geared 39 hunter twink? Will be appreciated!

3. How much would it cost to make a good/perfect geared 39 hunter twink? Do they use lenses, SFBM, POD?

Thanks in advance,

heres the answer to your question:

1. don't roll a HUNTARD



any more questions about HUNTARDS!....i mean ugh......hunters...ya thats what there called.
Radiance said:
Hi out there.

As i find the 39 bracket interesting, and already have a 35 hunter, i would like to twink it.

Here are some questions:

1. Do hunters own in the 39 bracket?

2. Is it possible that you could link me an armory of a good/perfect geared 39 hunter twink? Will be appreciated!

3. How much would it cost to make a good/perfect geared 39 hunter twink? Do they use lenses, SFBM, POD?

Thanks in advance,


As posted above, there are already a ton of hunters in 39s (US at least). I too would recommend another class but it's your choice ultimately. Here's your answers:

1. Yes they do own at 39 as of now.

2. Sharpbeard from Jaedenar is a good armory to look at...there's others but that's the only one to come to mind off hand.

3. Cost is relative really. Compared to most other classes, hunters are cheap to gear out. The biggest expenses will be in the legs and head slot. Could use an eagle lens or stam lens. SFBM is viable but most people prefer the BOA gun. Please never use a POD on a Hunter (unless you want to be a melee hunter and make everyone else cry at the waste of a POD).

Hope this helps.

It seems like hunters aren't welcome in any brackets, or atleast they won't get a warm welcome.

If i shouldnt roll a hunter, what should i roll then? How are warlocks?

Thank you Ink, for being the only one that took this thread seriously. ;)
builtokill said:
note that the lenses are not required... they cost a lot of money and most likely an xfer as well.

Well money isn't a problem. But are lenses the best choice for a hunter?
Everyone hates hunters.. but every new player is welcome!

I would however suggest you to roll a warlock. They are really good and really fun to play (from what i've heard).
All the "DONT ROLL A HUNTER", those are usally people from US. There's not a ton of hunter's in EU, atleast not yet.
Here`s my 39 hunter: The World of Warcraft Armory - Mymainfailed @ Arathor - Profile

They are very viable and along with SP stacked locks were the biggest facerollers of the bracket imo (along with ret pallies in the end). He has all other heirlooms on another char waiting to be transfered and many sets, only thing I need to farm is Tidal Charm after all this time. I prefer stacking some survivability. He had 450 profs/Naxx shoulders etc still in bank. A good starting guide that you can change according to your preferences.

I would change my spec in Surv to 3/3 Deflection for Bg`s/Arenas so you don`t need a Steel Chain on offhand if going 2x1 hander, depending on amount of Rogues/Warriors there are (and if they have a clue or not) :p

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