

Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but what is the point of twinking at 1-9? >.<
Cause everything else is sooooo mainstream<3
It isn't very different from any other bracket. We collect gear and achivements, we do pve and pvp, play with friends and guilds just like anyone else. Only difference is that we do it at level 1 because we feel like it.
What is the point of this Whole Game ??
Escapism and having fun ! And there are people who enjoys twinking at lvl 1 just as there are people who likes to do it in other brackets, i see no difference really.
What is the point of this thread ?
It's different for everyone, most people farm achievements, world pvp, and raid rare spawns. I personally am not huge in that. I like dueling other twinks and farming vanity gear.
It's a fun diversion from the regular grind of WoW. I have a good time just testing my limits on my level 5 twink. There's really no meaning or reward behind it. That's what makes it truly just for pure fun though.

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