Question, plz help!


1) If I have an vanilla account (no expansions), will the charcters max level on that account be 60? (ie. i dont have to lock the xp. at 60)

2) Are there player sin 60-69 bracket?

3) Will i fight players who have the expansions in the 60-69 bracket?

Max level on a vanilla account is level 60. No need to exp lock.

A lvl 60 will play in 51-60 AV while other BGs like WSG and AB will be 60-69.

Since the removal of twinks in regular BGs, 60-69 bracket should be filled with levellers mostly lvl 60-66. A 60 twink should do alright in that environment.
Ya it's 60-69 now. Imo if u just twink and hate main 80 crap just go to Aion. The classes are incredibly balanced and the graphics are stunning

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