question about new twink items


I got bow of ire last night, it was a very lengthy quest chain, not sure where it starts, but i did all quests on border of barrens/ashenvale and all quests in warsong lumber mill before i could get new quests in splintreepost that eventually led me to the quest that gives bow as reward, u get it from npc called Draaka (she is orc female controling demolisher in splintree).

The World of Warcraft Armory - Haxjin @ Auchindoun - Profile

armory seems bugged atm tho.
theluckyg why do you have stamina on your boots as a hunter d00d?

Ive got probably 8 pairs of boots, 5 pairs of gloves, 4 weapon combinations, 6 cloaks... somewhere in my bag is FotL w/ minor speed.

Pretty much a dungeon build, casual bg build, i've got a pocket healer build, stam set, stam FC set w/ speed, full agil, crusader on a wep for lol moments.

still working on a bandit cloak before i buy stealth though, oddly expensive mats atm

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