
Well, seriously though, INC BS probably doesn't make much sense to Spanish speakers, since the Spanish for incoming does not begin with INC, and the Spanish for blacksmith does not begin with B and S. Isn't that strange, silly silly Spanish people...

So THAT's what INC BS means. I thought it was like incorporate bullish!t or something, like that's supposed to be some game-winning strategy.
not being racist but doesnt anyone else see the parallel between latinos/hispanics irl and in wow?
Well, seriously though, INC BS probably doesn't make much sense to Spanish speakers, since the Spanish for incoming does not begin with INC, and the Spanish for blacksmith does not begin with B and S. Isn't that strange, silly silly Spanish people...

Ya know if I played on a foreign server I'd at least find a way to obtain the basic pvp /bg communication macros for AB and WSG ... the concepts are universal so language is a trivial barrier when playing on US realms (solely English speaking by default).

And I see way more Portuguese speakers than Spanish in BGs.

I spent a few minutes trying to communicate with some Portuguese speaking players in Spanish and once the language barrier was quasi - bridged I realized that despite our differences in language and culture they still sucked at PvP and had no interest in coordination or team work.

Experiences will obviously differ of course - keep that in mind.
not being racist but doesnt anyone else see the parallel between latinos/hispanics irl and in wow?

It still sounds like a generalization - but go ahead and elaborate... unless it's to be mean spirited.
Hmm, I guess I'm just more used to playing with non English speakers, eu realms are a real mix, mine is an English realm but has large populations of Romanians, swedes and Norwegians, among others. I just see no reason for them to learn English just to play a game. It's hardly important, really, and I'm sure they get along just fine and enjoy it as they are.
No offense but most noobs come from Quel'thalas.
That's absolutely right, one thing is not understanding in bg because lack of linguistic comprehension, but in the other hand there is no excuse to be such, undergeared and lacking strategy, that, does not require a player to speak english to be better, the strategy is the same in any language.
Well, seriously though, INC BS probably doesn't make much sense to Spanish speakers, since the Spanish for incoming does not begin with INC, and the Spanish for blacksmith does not begin with B and S. Isn't that strange, silly silly Spanish people...
So THAT's what INC BS means. I thought it was like incorporate bullish!t or something, like that's supposed to be some game-winning strategy.
Incoming from the blacksmith traduces to spanish as : vienen (or) se aproximan por la herrería, so that would be like " VIE HER" or "APRO HER" but how much time will require to spanish players to get used to those terms?

What it really bothers me from Quel'thalas players is not them being noobs, but being rude and not willing to listen to more seasoned players and take their knowledge. I agree with Earl, Blizz should put them in their own bracket, but maybe there not enough players to do that i guess.
I was gonna say, isn't it a Brazillian server? idk why ppl keep thinking it's Spanish.
Well is easy to get confused, written Spanish and Portuguese are very alike, is in the pronunciation that changes a little, also most of the times there are both Spanish and Portuguese speaking players in bg's, so.

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