

Is there anything available to f2p toons there, besides the exploration achievement?

EDIT: Also, has anyone noticed the absurd number of PuGs from the server Quel'Thalas?
EDIT 2: Not calling them bad, just noting their abundance
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Quel'Thalas server is like a breeding place for baddies, ecosystem included (no one can speak English, like are you for real?!)
It's a latin american server, of course they speak Spanish : /
now i've heard it all, QQing cause someone from a spanish realm speaks spanish is.....well, i ain't got the words
Should you learn to speak Spanish / Portuguese? Why not, Spanish has become after English the most spoken language in the US, and most jobs pay a lot more just to the fact of being bilingual, this is irl. In-game forget about it, this guys don't listen, i am from Honduras and speak both Spanish and English, so i tried to communicate with this guys with no success. Why are they bad? the most important fact is: Ignorance of the game, there are not enough wow guides (Noxxic, Elitist Jerks, Twink Info, WoW interface, Curse, Wowace, etc.) in this languages, everything is in English, so far only Wowhead has information in Spanish, yet very limited. If there are something to blame is blizzard for putting us together with these realms players. Another fact, Internet bandwidth is LA countries is not as good as it is in the US, so they may have a lot of lag/latency problems, why are they rude, average latin american people is poor and can't afford to play a game like wow, so these players have to be rich people, yup, they must be spoiled rich kids.

This is 'merica. I aint learnin no mexican so i can speak to some scrub! A'MERCA.
You sir just have lost all my respect with this poor, stupid, ignorant and racist comment, Latin America has many countries with Mexico included, so LA is not Mexico, and we speak Spanish, not mexican, go back to school and learn geography and social studies, and go to church maybe there you stop being racist and learn to be show some respect to people of other races and/or languages.

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