Que times


Hi, im new at f2p twinks, but i noticed on my alliance hunter the bg's would take up to 20 minutes to pop. Is this normal and if so does horde get faster ques? thanks
ok thanks ill probly reroll horde
Yes, go horde for instant ques and make him on Frostmourne with the rest of us Hordes!

The majority of Horde f2p players are on Aerie Peak. The community is over 30 ppl online at once during peak hours.
Your choice. really:

Fast queue, loss.

Longer queue, win.

It all probably equals out in the end but I'd rather win one game every 20 minutes then lose one every 5.
I'd say I win most of my games, and they are all instant queues.

You just need to make an impact

I also win most of my wsg games as mage. AB is a different story as the impact a single player can make is reduced. These are 98% pugged too.
Why do people keep saying we need more Horde.

Do you idiots not realize we have fast queues because we have less people? Dont ruin our good thing.
Why do people keep saying we need more Horde.

Do you idiots not realize we have fast queues because we have less people? Dont ruin our good thing.

Your queues will always be short, unless you guys get more horde than ally.

If we are balanced numbers you would still get like 2 minute queue times.
Your choice. really:

Fast queue, loss.

Longer queue, win.

It all probably equals out in the end but I'd rather win one game every 20 minutes then lose one every 5.

Not always true.... I've done a good 7-8 bgs in a row and won them all. But I've also done 7-8 bgs in a row and lost them all. I notice around 11pm - 4 am est there are a lot of good allys. But during the afternoon it's a mix sometimes good allys with some undergeared ones. But it's really a mix so..... STOP KILLING MY BIRD!
Come and melee me and I will stop killing your pet.
I agree though about the win/loss thing, it definitely depends on the time of day you play.
Not always true.... I've done a good 7-8 bgs in a row and won them all. But I've also done 7-8 bgs in a row and lost them all. I notice around 11pm - 4 am est there are a lot of good allys. But during the afternoon it's a mix sometimes good allys with some undergeared ones. But it's really a mix so..... STOP KILLING MY BIRD!

When I rolled a hunter, my pet was killed so much in battlegrounds, I tamed a new one and named it "Corpse" 'cos his death was inevitable. I feel for your bird
Ally que times give you freedom to do shit, and win BGs.

I spend my time hunting for good mogging gear and sharpening my skills dueling then grabing some easy honor every 15 min?

Sounds good to me
Your choice. really:

Fast queue, loss.

Longer queue, win.

It all probably equals out in the end but I'd rather win one game every 20 minutes then lose one every 5.

hmm, the games lasts ~30 minutes so loose one game every 50 vs one every 35...so if you're on for an hour that means 1 BG vs 2 (big deal for casuals imo)

I've never queued for a BG for more than 2 minutes...and never more than 30ish secs for a dungeon (usually around 5-10 secs)

If you want low:

PvP queues, pick a server, look at the population ratio, and go for the lower faction.

PvE queues, pick a Pally, Druid, or Warrior. You could also pick a healing class as their queue times are significantly longer than tanks, but still significantly shorter than a dps role.

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