Que popping?

Im gnna give u an example....

"hey, Uluf ! u seen disc nowdays ? they are fucking good as fuck," a sick person with mental problem would just go ape like " WHAT THE FUCK U SAYING U FUICKING NOOB ??? UR FUCKING CIOCCON HEALS FOR 1000 K DISC PRIESTR ISNT GOOD AT ALLL WHAT YA SAYING RAAAAH"
The 60 bracket had always his problem ... with too many different ppl, who are playing in this bracket for different reasons.

You`ll find here everything ... from a casual levler, who just accidentaly enabled the xp-lock, to an actually god PvP-Player, who uses every single advantage he can get to rape everything else ... and you got everything between those two.

But if you start a war, instead of getting along with each other and try to work together, the bracket won`t be enjoyable for everyone in here. Horde and Alliance should work hand in hand to get BGs up and only battlegrounds, where both factions are coequal are enjoyable and will recover the bracket. I mean the main goal was always to have bgs running 24/7, or not?

And if guild-masters can`t get along with each other, how would you expect anything will get better?

I experienced, that it has worked the best, if two PvP focused guilds are working together, doing marketing to get ppl and working hand in hand to agree on PvP-days.

I´ve one opinion common with busgaga: You should focus more on PvP, because PvP is the "ONE and ONLY" aspect, which holds the geared ppl. Raiding is fun till you get BIS, but than you drop the interest, because you don`t have any goal/aim to archieve. PvP otherhands has a lot of goals/acm ... you can focus on as twink. From farming reputation on different battlegroups to just farming honor. It has a much better motivation-curve on the longer run. PvE is fun on the short run ... and so the health of the battlegrounds is mirroring how healthy the bracket is.
Paragons of Azeroth have gotten a new Guild Master and hopefully he can do better than I did. I think that he can keep the contact up between Horde and Alliance, so please be as friendly to him as he will be to you, then I believe the bracket will face an uptime, specially the in PvP.

Blindbandit-Ravencrest, In case you wonder who.
only level 60 if you level past 60 you are the most retarded person in the world you fucking fotm scrumbag but on the other side i play monk, real vanilla style, no kappa :^))
Uhm this is what makes you so stupid. Who ever said something about vannila. Glyoh restricts, no chants. At lest not me.

Ofc its all about 60, else u get spells no1 else have. I can service Ww Monk On my disc, mw cant relly do it. U should really go get some info. Patetic.

Now u have another Monk to judge
The bracket is 60-69. If you play 60 to get "vanilla feeling" you're just delusional as you play a monk yourself. So your arguments are invalid.
If you're looking for "classic feeling" go and play on Nostalrius, there you have 100% Vanilla and there actually raiding is even fun and loot is just a minor matter, but don't pretend to actually wanna raid classic-like and play on retail. Raiding on Retail is actually a waste of time in my opinion. But it's good to know we got different ppl with different mindsets here, who actually enjoy raiding and hopefully filling our bgs one day ;)

So get along with dks, monks, gems and exploits in this bracket. You'll only have a chance when you are going with the time and not beeing stucked in the past. If everyone would pull everything out of his class, bgs would pop and there would be kinda a balance and if there is a balance, it`s pretty fun =)

From my PoV I enjoyed raiding with 60 only a few times, but it`s getting boring with the time and the only thing which holds you motivated is the aim to getting BIS ... getting t2.5, getting full t2, getting full t3, getting some BIS trinkets and last but not least, getting thunderfury. When you achieved all of these, you begin to realize, that this was the "awesome" PvE-Content and you`ve than the option to reroll and play another class to collect everything for or to PvP. And I´d rather PvP than rerolling over and over again.
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I leave for less than two days, and I come back to this; an all out war.. I, however, want no part in this, but whatever you all think, there's quite a few people watching these posts, so I'd keep some respect for them in mind when writing!
What the fuck are you typing at all :D
Thing is and the sad thing is, u cry about people being lvl 68 or 69 you know what ? That dosent make any fucking sense? You sit there the whole fucking day playing on your fucking monk. MONK?! Ohh well when did that come into the system, maybe if i remeber correctly they came in mop aka 2 expansions ago? And u sit there crying about fucking lvl 68 and the op gems etc etc.. Want me to go back on you compo? Its so fucking op you dont even have to play with a pvp trinket. you just sit there bubble and try too cc, while ettan is doing everything else..

I dont have to use trinket when facing you as u dont use your trap ability. Against good teams i simply get rekt cause of no trinket. And "u try to cc ppl" im not trying the cc is landing and ettan is not doing all of the job. U must be blind or just really stupid. Young ppl like u are the ppl who sit on forum nerfing wrong classes cause of Adhd problems after each loss. Rpers like you wont do the job fast enough while klicking your own portraits and drinking pepsi :D step up little boy and type some true shit instead.
Well, I rarely agree with Busgaga, but we do have to agree on the fact that there's mostly level 60's around here.. But then again, this bracket part of the forums is called "60-69", so I think we need to live side by side, and accept eachother, as well as help eachother out. Same goes with monks/DK's. But as stated earlier, if you're here for the true vanilla feeling, head to some private server, like Kronos :)
#Ulufsson Just hard to understand a underprivileged human being.. Aww ye sorry let me just say retard instead so you can understand it..

Not many people like you AND you are supposed to be the horde gm? I really hope u get along with blindbandit cuz if u dont rip bgs.. U are simply so retarded. You have no situational feeling. U dont know when to not say things and when too.

My fellow friends and i have been wondering, how u can be so retarded and yet still be a gm and be the age you are.. We came to the conclusion, that there was no explanation for your brain cells but oh well.

And first of all i dont rp i just get along with more people than 1. Maybe you should try it ? Antisocial prick get a fucking life dickhead
No im not anti social, this is the most common way to type when you have nothing else to come up with. Im not GM over horde. Im not like a president or what you mean ?

Keep the work with your nest over there. and about the leveling above its kinda logicla that ppl plays for being 60, but in ur own head u dont see the issue with leveling past it wich just explains it all. Even your guild leader with "education" is hiding behind all these posts sitting on ts with his gayvoice and giving u orders. None of you are interesting at all. Doing personal attacks without having a clue is just bad. Tho i know what type of person you are, u hide in ur room drinking pepsi and playing after ur School. A typical kid issue.

Ive seen to much from deck me out at the early wotlk with bipsi and all these retards whining about Chab and about mages was to op back cause he couldnt play at all. same scummy guild from scratch. And u know what the most pathetic is ? ur sitting 5-6 ppl liking ur damn post just to "dominate" me. god sake man fucking grow up, u sure never was there at vanilla anyways with ur age so why the hell do u miss vanilla so much ?

And yes if u understand what unwritten law/rule is about then i would call it being that as for not going over 60. ofc all classes aint balanced as some of them gaining spells later.
Rob was sixteen then and i believe he also was a member in deck me out. Now he had his 4 years old to grow up. But theres mostly same ppl from argent dawn as usual. I know there was some ppl from another guild called classic armoy that also got shattered, they seemed to have trouble with your guild also due to many kids. This is what ive heard nothing that i just make drama

The german ciq who did faction chage to horde annd his germanz ppl was the only ones u could play with as they were just at the right age without unessecary bullshit. I rather play with ppl who actualy got a clue about what to blame and what to do not blame.

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