The 60 bracket had always his problem ... with too many different ppl, who are playing in this bracket for different reasons.
You`ll find here everything ... from a casual levler, who just accidentaly enabled the xp-lock, to an actually god PvP-Player, who uses every single advantage he can get to rape everything else ... and you got everything between those two.
But if you start a war, instead of getting along with each other and try to work together, the bracket won`t be enjoyable for everyone in here. Horde and Alliance should work hand in hand to get BGs up and only battlegrounds, where both factions are coequal are enjoyable and will recover the bracket. I mean the main goal was always to have bgs running 24/7, or not?
And if guild-masters can`t get along with each other, how would you expect anything will get better?
I experienced, that it has worked the best, if two PvP focused guilds are working together, doing marketing to get ppl and working hand in hand to agree on PvP-days.
I´ve one opinion common with busgaga: You should focus more on PvP, because PvP is the "ONE and ONLY" aspect, which holds the geared ppl. Raiding is fun till you get BIS, but than you drop the interest, because you don`t have any goal/aim to archieve. PvP otherhands has a lot of goals/acm ... you can focus on as twink. From farming reputation on different battlegroups to just farming honor. It has a much better motivation-curve on the longer run. PvE is fun on the short run ... and so the health of the battlegrounds is mirroring how healthy the bracket is.