QoL Things to buy and get in 1 month?


Hey all!
I bought a 1 month sub on a fresh no-connections account and want to set myself up for future F2P success at level 20!

What are some items and QoL purchases I should make and work towards for the next 4 weeks? Anything you've come across that you've found to be of value and think is worth mentioning?

I would follow the armory guide for SL gems and other unobtainable items or things that need to be grinded out, most are relatively cheap on ah. Stock up on consumables for when your account goes vet so you can enjoy those items for an extended amount of time before having the feeling of needing to resub again.

I would follow the armory guide for SL gems and other unobtainable items or things that need to be grinded out, most are relatively cheap on ah. Stock up on consumables for when your account goes vet so you can enjoy those items for an extended amount of time before having the feeling of needing to resub again.

This is indeed a fantastic guide, thank you! I also recently learned about those Flightpoint maps too. I'm also going to be stocking up on things like Goblin Gliders, profession mats, and either the Yak or the vendor Mammoth (I'll have to see if it's available to me first) along with potions and other QoL consumables. Has anyone come across anything obscure or niche that they've found to be invaluable or important for QoL as they've leveled? For instance, the Sentinax Hoverboard I've found to be quite nice!
You bought a month, it's not f2p anymore. It's vet. It's not the same. ;)

Go unlock mechagon, you can't do it later on the 20.
Dohoho but I let my sub run out after 30 days and then it's F2P again (with an asterisk, of course) ;)
But yes, Mechagon for sure, I want to be careful about the next 4 weeks so that I take advantage of the opportunity and get myself into a guild etc.

Just as a side note, I did about 3 weeks of PURE F2P stuff (new e-mail, new character, start from scratch, etc) and while I did enjoy the experience about 65% of the time, the rest of the time I was just wishing I could do more socially. I play on Moon Guard and I learned that those in F2P status's messages (vet or not) can't be seen by characters higher than level 40 (I think? Could be even as low as level 30) which rules out my ability to RP COMPLETELY and being in a Guild would at least make it easier to get messages around instead of the janky "Friend me and whisper me first always" method.

I'll probably get into a 1-month-paid into 1-month-total (vet) F2P cycle so that I'm not just giving Blizz money to have more than 1k and be able to /wave to someone in-game!
Dohoho but I let my sub run out after 30 days and then it's F2P again (with an asterisk, of course) ;)
That’s just a vet, that is 100% what a vet is.

F2Ps never had gametime on their acc, vets has had it in the past.

But anyways, what others have said; get gems, enchants, consumables.
But anyways, what others have said; get gems, enchants, consumables.

Are there any other things that are rec'd besides this? For instance, I've seen in a person's speed-leveling guide on YouTube that getting all the DMF turn-in items will help with rep substantially, as well as buying Sanguine Hibiscus and other reputation items to help those along? Any particular or specific AH things that are not normally obtainable (or just 'Too Much Of A Headache' to grind that I could scoop up?
Are there any other things that are rec'd besides this? For instance, I've seen in a person's speed-leveling guide on YouTube that getting all the DMF turn-in items will help with rep substantially, as well as buying Sanguine Hibiscus and other reputation items to help those along? Any particular or specific AH things that are not normally obtainable (or just 'Too Much Of A Headache' to grind that I could scoop up?
Maybe mats if you wanna level up any professions.
One month seems like a very short time to get everything you want unless you grind to an unhealthy degree. Flight maps go for 10K each and the vendor mammoth goes for 16K with maximum rep discounts. Plan accordingly.

Mechagon access and allied races are nice. Unlocking world quests and the first step pathfinder achievements (for bonus mount speed in the relevant zones) are also handy, but time consuming and you'll only see a small selection of WQs.

Philosophically I feel like there's a difference between vets who will dip the occasional month whenever a patch shakes up what's powerful, and ones who mostly want account-wide goodies but accept that given builds can be upended at a moment's notice. If you're looking for the former, you can read up on what enchants/gems/consumables are useful. If the latter, look at the main points I covered plus guild heirlooms and maybe utility tools like mount equipment for favored characters. Plus there might be some utility toys outside a F2P's usual level range or gold cap that could be handy, but none come to mind right now.
One month seems like a very short time to get everything you want unless you grind to an unhealthy degree. Flight maps go for 10K each and the vendor mammoth goes for 16K with maximum rep discounts. Plan accordingly.

Mechagon access and allied races are nice. Unlocking world quests and the first step pathfinder achievements (for bonus mount speed in the relevant zones) are also handy, but time consuming and you'll only see a small selection of WQs.

Philosophically I feel like there's a difference between vets who will dip the occasional month whenever a patch shakes up what's powerful, and ones who mostly want account-wide goodies but accept that given builds can be upended at a moment's notice. If you're looking for the former, you can read up on what enchants/gems/consumables are useful. If the latter, look at the main points I covered plus guild heirlooms and maybe utility tools like mount equipment for favored characters. Plus there might be some utility toys outside a F2P's usual level range or gold cap that could be handy, but none come to mind right now.
For sure, and agreed on all points.
I mostly want to side-step a lot of grievances I have with the general pure F2P experience in terms of their restrictions. so that when my sub runs out I'm "set up" for success. It's my understanding that once you're in a Guild you stay in it even after the sub runs out? And that alone I think is worth 15$ and temporary AH access!
Guilds are set up so that if you have one toon in one, they'll stay and your future toons can be invited. I'm not sure if things like guild bank access are allowed, but letting future toons have an in to a guild is a nice vet perk.

If you have 1month of game time, you should try to get as many Vet "privileges" before your game time expires. In my humble opinion, i give you few items that i did when i was in the same situation few months ago:

Account-wide features:
  • You can now unlock Allied Races, if you are curious to level someone, this is the time to do. You can't do it as a F2P.
  • Unlock Mechagon. Ýou can't do it as a F2P.
  • Buy flypath maps like Scouting Map: The Eastern Kingdoms Campaign. They are a bit expensive, 10k each item so you can just pass. Still a Vet privilege to be able to buy them.

Enchants and Gems:
  • Get some Revitalizing Jewel Doublet. This is a BiS gem, only obtainable farming some shadowlands rep... or buying it at AH. If you are looking to level more than 1 alt, you can buy 2-3 for each character (I got a pair of them just in case i need them in a future. Who knows.)
  • Buy the Legion enchants for neck (Mark of the Hidden Satyr / Mark of the Ancient Priestess / etc.) Buy them at AH, you can be days farming the Chaos Crystals in order to craft them. And as i said, if you are planning yo have few alts, its definetly worth.
  • Same happens for some BFA enchants like Naga Hide, Accord of Mastery or Accord of Versatility.
  • I would say there is also a exception for Classic enchanting and its Crusader. I don't know if is BiS nowadays, but can also be a thing to consider to buy.
WoD Garrison Utilities:
  • You can buy Frozen Arms of a Hero if you want to upgrade reaaaaaaaally fast your garrison followers. You can still upgrade them to 675 (max ilvl for a follower) but can take you weeks or months to do and this is a super-cheap item in AH.
Other QoL items:
  • This reagent bag Simply Stitched Reagent Bag is super cheap in AH (around 75g in my server). The biggest F2P reagent bag i remember has just 16 slots.
  • You can buy in AH mount-equipement, but you can still craft it. Anyways, you can consider to spend a little bit of gold, you could save time in a future.

But personally, despite the "pure vet" revitalizing jewel doublet, the biggest difference goes in:

Get the Infinitely Divisible Ooze on a strength-based character.
  • As you may know, Infinitely Divisible Ooze is a broken trinket that reduces massively the time you need to make a dungeon run. The bad part for a F2P is that if you play a strength based class (warrior, paladin or DK) you can't get this item. BUT if you are a vet, you can make use of the trade option, and group up with another level 20 friend who has access to the drop of the Ooze and just trade it to your toon. Remember that once your game time expires, you won't be able to trade.

Im 100% sure that there a more QoL items out there, but thoose are the ones i remember.

If you have 1month of game time, you should try to get as many Vet "privileges" before your game time expires. In my humble opinion, i give you few items that i did when i was in the same situation few months ago:

Account-wide features:
  • You can now unlock Allied Races, if you are curious to level someone, this is the time to do. You can't do it as a F2P.
  • Unlock Mechagon. Ýou can't do it as a F2P.
  • Buy flypath maps like Scouting Map: The Eastern Kingdoms Campaign. They are a bit expensive, 10k each item so you can just pass. Still a Vet privilege to be able to buy them.

Enchants and Gems:
  • Get some Revitalizing Jewel Doublet. This is a BiS gem, only obtainable farming some shadowlands rep... or buying it at AH. If you are looking to level more than 1 alt, you can buy 2-3 for each character (I got a pair of them just in case i need them in a future. Who knows.)
  • Buy the Legion enchants for neck (Mark of the Hidden Satyr / Mark of the Ancient Priestess / etc.) Buy them at AH, you can be days farming the Chaos Crystals in order to craft them. And as i said, if you are planning yo have few alts, its definetly worth.
  • Same happens for some BFA enchants like Naga Hide, Accord of Mastery or Accord of Versatility.
  • I would say there is also a exception for Classic enchanting and its Crusader. I don't know if is BiS nowadays, but can also be a thing to consider to buy.
WoD Garrison Utilities:
  • You can buy Frozen Arms of a Hero if you want to upgrade reaaaaaaaally fast your garrison followers. You can still upgrade them to 675 (max ilvl for a follower) but can take you weeks or months to do and this is a super-cheap item in AH.
Other QoL items:
  • This reagent bag Simply Stitched Reagent Bag is super cheap in AH (around 75g in my server). The biggest F2P reagent bag i remember has just 16 slots.
  • You can buy in AH mount-equipement, but you can still craft it. Anyways, you can consider to spend a little bit of gold, you could save time in a future.

But personally, despite the "pure vet" revitalizing jewel doublet, the biggest difference goes in:

Get the Infinitely Divisible Ooze on a strength-based character.
  • As you may know, Infinitely Divisible Ooze is a broken trinket that reduces massively the time you need to make a dungeon run. The bad part for a F2P is that if you play a strength based class (warrior, paladin or DK) you can't get this item. BUT if you are a vet, you can make use of the trade option, and group up with another level 20 friend who has access to the drop of the Ooze and just trade it to your toon. Remember that once your game time expires, you won't be able to trade.

Im 100% sure that there a more QoL items out there, but thoose are the ones i remember.
Awesome, thanks very much for this, it's exactly what I'm looking for in terms of items to catch and work towards during my P2P time. I'll be playing a Druid and want to use Guardian Spec to gear as Feral and then off-spec into Restoration for those times when I just want to chill in the back and just turn my brain off. The end-game goal is to be around 87 ilvl and then pretty much focus exclusively on PvP stuff until there's more PvE gear to "worry about".

While in queue for BGs I'll start slowly chewing away at all the PvE content available to F2P 20's, I don't plan on leveling past 20 so things like Allied Races are just something I'll ignore (despite wanting to be a Kul'Tiran; I'm defaulting to NElf for the insta-aggro-drop instead for easier solo dungeon farming.

Also note that I'm looking to get exalted on as many reps as possible, so that includes Hozen Peace Pipes and Medallions of the Legion.
Additionally, I'm considering a Token purchase as a sort of "investment" into the character. That 1k gold limit is *really* make me wary 1 month from now and I'd rather have a nice savings set up instead of constantly juggling 999/1000g every couple of hours.
I don't plan on leveling past 20 so things like Allied Races are just something I'll ignore
You can have a level 60 character on the side ready within a day or two without much effort. That lets you do the allied races and Mechagon unlocks, as well as easily farm for mats that you'd like to save gold on (not to mention, more easily farm for gold itself). Obviously you can't touch that character after your subscription runs out, but it'll still be around if you ever decide to sub again, and it's worth the effort even just to have it for one month.

You'll want to take a break from your main character every so often, so having access to allied races for flavor on alts is good stuff, and I'm personally regretting that I didn't know about unlocking Mechagon the last time I was subbed.
Hey all!
I bought a 1 month sub on a fresh no-connections account and want to set myself up for future F2P success at level 20!

What are some items and QoL purchases I should make and work towards for the next 4 weeks? Anything you've come across that you've found to be of value and think is worth mentioning?

If not a Goblin (has a banker racial NPC), grind out Northrend engineering to 75 and make a Jeeves. Note you will need level 25 parts to complete {20x Scrapbot Construction Kit} but those are sometimes on AH. Plus 2x King's Amber. You also have to keep Northrend Engineering at 75 to continue to use.
If not a Goblin (has a banker racial NPC), grind out Northrend engineering to 75 and make a Jeeves. Note you will need level 25 parts to complete {20x Scrapbot Construction Kit} but those are sometimes on AH. Plus 2x King's Amber. You also have to keep Northrend Engineering at 75 to continue to use.
I'm going Alchemy (for the Neverending Potions and that Alchemist Flask) as well as engineering so that works out well

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