pwn lock with a warr

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what are the best tactics to pwn a warlock with a warr?

the warr has agm, the 500 haste mace, TLA, arms

the lock has boa enchanted items... no agm... resilience

I was thinking

charge with sheild,

use shild bash

change to mace

w8 until his cd is gone

use haste

he will try fear

use trinket

he will try fear again

use int shout before he complete

and then probl use agm, change to tla... or somth

use hamstring all the time cause he will try run

until now he kinda pwned me.:eek:
Well, the mace is nice and all, but if it works, that only means you will be able to beat a lock once every hour.

I usually pop it in wsg when it's cruzial to get the flag back.

Do you have herbalism?


is my warr and i wana beat a irl friend

i dont think it is possible to kill a lock at lvl 29 if he is skilled/geared enough and is able to kite...

well, it is possible, but it depends on RNG a lot imo.
charge lock, rend, hamstring, trinket first fear, overpower, shield bash second fear...hes dead by now...(assuming u have taste for blood...also use CM)
sry, but he will have a healthstone, agm, pet...more.

i have not looked at the armory, but he is definately not dead after after one OP.
he will have hearthstone but no agm

i agree that cm can be better than tla in this case

but i don t have it yet...

tryng to get epic ring first - looks great
even without agm he will will have at least 2 shields (void + AB trinket) or 1 shield + no way you will control the fight even for a sec.

without takin bleed dmg, your TfB wont proc...and all your whitehits will only eat the shield/s or 20% will be transfered to his pet anyways.

then again he probably got the epic ring + net-o-matic -> pure win.
The best part about this thread is that he's using a TLA.
RC-ST. said:
what are the best tactics to pwn a warlock with a warr?

Bring friend(s) or [item]6048[/item] :)

If he at some point in the fight forget to refresh his dots, use your fear and bandage. All things equal, I don't think you have much chance 1v1 against a lock in this bracket.
i don t have herb or bandages

i thought locks are bad but that was before medalion of alliance has the same cd as the anti-fear racial sheet...

with my 29 undead warr i could resist 2 fears, now i can resist only one

locks gain a lot from this

and about that tla - well taste of blood is not alfa and omega of a twink 29 warr

i have protection on my other twink and he can recive 25% of his life = 500 hp. A cm with taste of blood can do around 500 damage once. So a Last Stand = a CM + taste of blood + overpower.

But a TLA will have more dps which means that Last Stand + TLA < a cm + taste+overpower+ CM all the time
new tactic


then use int shout on the deamon

so, the warlock will run away in fear (he doesn t have anti-fear trinket)

use mace + thouse swords that atack once if you are atacked - this wil do around 200 damage per second x 10 second = demon is dead

then I get the stupid warlock and pwn him with my tla - shield bash...
hunt the player down irl and kill him + consume his broken gay body for nutrients ftw
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