pvp vid - too much metal?

I'm starting to prepare for a second pvp video that will feature either my 39 warrior again or my 80 hunter. In getting the music together, I came across what may be a problem.

The songs I want to use are all melodeath/power metal or some variation. If you guys are watching a ~15 minute video, would hearing too many metal songs in a row be a bad thing? Granted, it's open to musical preference, but I'm trying to appeal to everyone here.

edit: and this isn't typical awful bad screamo metal (imo). It's a lot like the first song in my last vid (the third the magical)
I say use the music you want. I'm not a fan of power metal, but I know how to use a mute button when watching a video if need be. Do what's true to you. If you're looking for mass-market appeal, I'd imagine your best bets come from the orchestral soundtracks of action movies, like the Rock, Enemy of the State, Bad Boys, etc. (Not the song-based soundtracks, to be clear. That's way different.)

Bwappo said:
orchestral soundtracks of action movies, like the Rock, Enemy of the State, Bad Boys, etc. (Not the song-based soundtracks, to be clear. That's way different.)


yeaaa not really my thing :p i might just replace a couple songs with red hot chili peppers/the legion of doom.

ty for the input
I'd go for 2 metal then 1 electro/house/chill/dnb and repeat something like that. And I liked the music when you dueled that troll mage in beggining (Subjection?)
I wouldn't like to hear Metal 24/7, but hey, it's your video and there's mute buttons for everyone else. If you'd want some suggestions for other music, I have that list lying around for my video (but actually I'll never record one).
Blood Sugar!

Fort Minor!

Come on, use some better songs besides metal man, hardcore and hip hop is cool to yo :3
canihascookie said:
Fort Minor!

Come on, use some better songs besides metal man, hardcore and hip hop is cool to yo :3


This is ten percent suck, twenty percent shit, and a hundred percent reason to not watch this twink vid.
Ishh said:
YouTube - Fort Minor - Remember the name

This is ten percent suck, twenty percent shit, and a hundred percent reason to not watch this twink vid.


id use peter frampton before i would use fort minor tbqh


do not care if it is a good pvp song

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