So I've done a bit more testing, and while I can certainly see the appeal of the KI burst, I feel like the AC talent suits my play style a little more
The crits from the AC were VERY nice. 1k crits in PVE, couldn't recall how high they got in PVP but yeah it was a big number compared to how the double pets hit. The only problem was, in PVE, this was overkill. Only dungeon bosses have that much HP left after getting to 35%, and for everything else it is overkill
And for PVP, I felt that the slower damage of the 1 pet made me feel less effective. When the burst came in, yeah the people melted

but it felt that it certainly took longer to get there. Perhaps not by a huge amount, but enough to be noticeable
The icetrap thing wasn't as important as I thought it would be. My main pet got disabled about the same amount.
But the heals! I enjoyed getting double the HP back from mend pet + leech.
Certainly see the appeal for guaranteeing a kill, especially after they underestimate the dmg and don't even start healing yet. But AC is my jam, even if I have to dismiss + resummon the pet every BG