I pretty much just pve twink to help others gear or level up.
Since pre patch I've focused so far on Guardian druid, Arcane mage, Frost Death Knight, Protection Paladin and Mistweaver Monk.
I plan on working on a 12 Windwalker and a 14 maybe 15 warrior.
IMHO any viable spec at 10 should always out dps any spec at 20 unless the 20 has unobtainable gear. That means pre patch items GF items or exploited items. The closer you get to 15 the more = it becomes in scaling. 10-14 is just insanely op in pve. But some classes might be better at 15 than 14 due to talents.
Put on your **Tin foil hat**: Level 50 is still Level 120 and level 60 is Level 130. Argument: Some items in game at times show 120 level req in the tooltips. When mining, herbing or skinning you can sometimes see the former skill requirements for the node/mob (Skill of 800). Wowhead's level scaling bar goes up to level 1300 and is default set to 220. Talents are still 15 even though levels have been "cut in half". I have no real code based evidence but when I look at the plate of spaghetti that is SL I see a mask over what I think to be the old levels still in the game. As someone who loves exploiting I am really interested to know exactly how they "scaled" everything for SL -
You may take your hat off now.
The entire way of twinking has been made quite different than content in the past. Instead of the typical raid or dungeon bis items we instead have a plethora of requirements in order to become BIS. You have to dungeon, quest, craft, and farm your bis items this time around. Due to bracketing of gear it is advantageous to make twinks to farm boe bis items for lower level twinks. In essence twinks for twinking for your twinks. This gives us a level of replayability we previously did not have in twinking.
Before you quest in legion you need to unlock your order hall upgrade chance for quest items. just do quests until it becomes unlocked.
10 monk in unable to return to the order hall once it leaves unless it is RaF summon back. Access to order hall becomes available at 10.
I have 4 level 10s
10 Prot paladin:
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/sargeras/leveltin (Pure haste gem build) I found while the hits a Paladin can do are strong they lack flow and thus I went prue haste. I'm sure a str/haste gem set might be more optimal. However I just find the overall CD oriented gameplay of Prot to need more haste to excel.
I haven't touch ret pve or holy pve. Grading: A for bosses, B+ for trash, B to A- for Speed, A+ for Survivability. Tends to get 80%+ total dmg in dungeons. Even with a
https://www.wowhead.com/item=136975/hunger-of-the-pack?bonus=1826:1472 Prot cant manage a massive kite to well. (Some hooligan normie will pull something as you kite)
10 Mistweaver Monk:
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/sargeras/spintoheal (Int Crit gem build) I went MW over the other 2 specs at 10 because of
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=107428/rising-sun-kick and
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=117952/crackling-jade-lightning. I found that
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=117952/crackling-jade-lightning really likes to proc
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=104430/elemental-force and thus I spam that stuff on mob packs like im the tank. It tends to get packs 2/3 of the way by the time they get to me.
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=107428/rising-sun-kick and or
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=101546/spinning-crane-kick and the group is pretty much dead. Since it's a monk it has
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=115080/touch-of-death and
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=117907/mastery-gust-of-mists mastery is OP. Since the base mastery is so good you wont really need to stack anymore making mastery your worse stat. Monk is tad soft in terms of armor but somewhat mobile. I have yet to test it but I think Windwalker might be op at 12 due to
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=113656/fists-of-fury. Tends to do around 80%+ of total dmg in dungeons.
Grading: B+ for bosses, B+ for trash, B for speed, A+ Survivability
Death Knight
10 Frost Death Knight:
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/sargeras/boelooter (currently built str/crit) Blood and Unholy are useless at 10 don't play them. Frost is simply put an aoe kiting playstyle. You can really gem however you want but your playstyle is really just going to end up being aoe instant dot kiting of mobs. Speed is your key for unlocking a very fun mobile build. With enough speed and damage your
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=49184/howling-blast is enough to maintain agro and generally will 2/3 most mobs. Since it only cost 1 rune to cast you can simply spam as you pass each mob pack. It requires several Howling blast to build up enough runic power to cast
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=49998/death-strike. In most cases
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=49998/death-strike will be enough to keep you up as long as your playing smart and not like Leeroy Jenkins.
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=49998/death-strike does more damage than
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=47541/death-coil so it will be your go to spender as it also heals you. tends to do 90%+ in dungeons.
B on Bosses, A- on trash, A for speed if you have https://www.wowhead.com/item=136975/hunger-of-the-pack?bonus=1826:1472
10 Arcane Mage:
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/sargeras/ashieer I went raw dmg for build. (currently Built Int Vers) I found Fire and Frost to be stupid useless/slow for pve.
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=30451/arcane-blast that's it. Just remember to drink. Use other spells when needed.
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=30451/arcane-blast can 1 shot mobs. Mage is Soft so be aware that any move you do pretty much makes you the tank at 10. Just stack up 4
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=36032/arcane-charge and the rest of the dungeon is kind of a cake walk. I tend to not spend my charges with
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=44425/arcane-barrage as it would require me to farm up 4 more
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=36032/arcane-charge Grading: A for Trash, A+ for Bosses, B+ for Speed, B- for survivability. Tends to do 85%+ of total damage done.
11 Bear:
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/sargeras/thrasheer This is my flagship twink for SL. I find bear to be the Master of all trades. Bear has Single and aoe damage. Bear has speed and mobility. The ability to
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=228545/shapeshift-form out of snares is wonderful.
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=8921/moonfire as you approach mob packs and
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=77758/thrash as you walk through them on your way to the next mob group.
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=8921/moonfire and
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=77758/thrash both leave dots allowing
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=104430/elemental-force to finish off the mobs as you venture onword. Outside of not having a rez 11 Bear has everything you could want. Regrowth Will top anyone off and leave a hot on them. Taunting is useless as a moonfire will be just as effective to pull aggro off a normie or high level twink.
Bear form resets to 25 rage when you enter it allowing just 1
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=33917/mangle to put you to enough rage to use
https://wowhead.com/spell=6807/maul. Kitty Combo points are saved for their duration allowing some interesting kitty openers with
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=22568/ferocious-bite on bosses. just collect max combo points in between each boss. Highest crit I've seen from cat was 1068 on the
https://www.wowhead.com/npc=17380/broggok of
I firmly believe that Bear is the King of PvE in SL.
Grading: S+ for Trash, S for bosses, S+ for Speed, S- for survivability(have to leave bear form to self heal) Tends to get 98%+ total damage in dungeons.
Personal Challenge to anyone: Whisper me if you would like to challenge my Bear to a speed dungeon. Must be NA Alliance. I genuinely want to know if anyone has a more effective toon within scaling. You must clear the dungeon in such a way that would allow normal questers to get to the each boss/objective without fighting in combat. No skipping of trash packs that are in the way of quests or bosses. All items available for use. Challenge is meant to gauge the ease of clearing and speed of other twinks. I already know im the worlds best 11 bear and don't need the ego boost
. This is a challenge to you for the sake of SCIENCE! First to dps more than me will win a wow token equivalent of gold on their server of choice (NA Alliance 10 bracket of dungeons only. Your choice of dungeon).
14 arcane mage: Post soon
16 Frost DK: Post soon