pugs suck in this bracket

All I ever do is PuG. All I ever do is play heals. I will strive to help you out with some of your issues here
If you don't like the way healers are healing you, play a healer! I mean play a healer! Not a healer spec that DPSes, play a healer that heals!
You are correct, the 19's are very very cliqueish, High School cliquish. They are a hard nut to crack. I don't even bother with it. But then again I don't care for such trivial matters
Skype... See above. Why anyone would want to use something as clunky as Skype is beyond me. I akin it to using DoS. Especially when 19's are infamous for DDoSing. We have so many FREE alternatives. There are free ventrillo servers, free Team Speak servers etc. We even use one for the 39's with great success. It makes one think these people have something to hide.
Competition... Open play games in ANY bracket, including endgame, is not "competitive". 19's is no exception. If anything, since it is the same old players over and over, it may offer even less "competition" than the larger brackets. Since everyone knows everyone else's moves and styles.


Many 19s use curse voice now.
Hasn't been ddos in a while in 19s, how about 29s eh? Don't think so., less buttons, better balance, at least we have war games, I don't use cash to fund people and neither does GG19, are you seriously using our unity against us? Lol. Pugs are trash? Is there a better alternative, unless you mean a bracket were were half the players are at a tangible disadvantage is better please point me in the direction of better pugs on a consistent and active basis

Cash for twink tourny instead of people just playing for pride, rest are just facts - DDos regardless if still exists or not did happen. Less buttons- fact. Only play 1 Bg- fact. Your unity complains if another Bg is even mentioned. I never mentioned a better bracket that you assuming - fact. But since you mentioned a bracket were half the bracket is at a disadvantage. You couldn't even make a difference in 20-29 bracket a bad bracket. I applaud you here at 19. Pugs will always be bad except 39s were the community enforces them better. Not trying to argue have a great weekend Conq.
Cash for twink tourny instead of people just playing for pride, rest are just facts - DDos regardless if still exists or not did happen. Less buttons- fact. Only play 1 Bg- fact. Your unity complains if another Bg is even mentioned. I never mentioned a better bracket that you assuming - fact. But since you mentioned a bracket were half the bracket is at a disadvantage. You couldn't even make a difference in 20-29 bracket a bad bracket. I applaud you here at 19. Pugs will always be bad except 39s were the community enforces them better. Not trying to argue have a great weekend Conq.

You as well ^.^
No mounts, 1Bg, DDos, Amazing personalities , less buttons to mash, have to use cash to get bracket active have to fund people, have to throw everyone on one server and website to survive, complaints about jump exploits, pugs are trash and want activity yet $h¥t on 10s = most competitive / Welcome to the 10- 19 bracket.

On the positive side, 10-19 do have some very very dedicated members of the populace. Just as level 20's and Trials do. Unfortunately, Trials are a dieing breed.

since theres no mounts you cant catch up to anything if your team sucks, a shitty druid fc can just run past everything, also most healers are dogshit, its also very cliqueish and the people in it are evil, games arent even competitive i can tell who wins before match even starts

use a speed hack then if you're this bad
Get the fuck out of my bracket with this dog shit thread.
Pugs rock in this bracket! The bracket is full of dedicated and experienced players that play WSG at the highest level. A large majority of the community is fully geared and experienced in the current meta. Players know their role and work together well with each other. Seasoned players go out of their way to help new players and new players are eager to learn. This makes for a very competitive bracket. This bracket is flippin' awesome!
WTB Pizza as radio spokesman. Pst with price.
19s aren't for everyone man. But if there is one thing I do agree on is the clique's but that really only occurs between guildies who have played together for a while.
irrelevant shitter from f2ps that came to 19s and is a complete joke

as releveant as it gets baby you only have 3k more profile views than me, profile views are your popularity
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Lolololol at this thread.
How could you ever complain about 19 pugs versus 20-29 pugs. That bracket is ruined by Jajas and shitters who crutch on classes more op than 19 ferals (try to 1v1 a 29 brm..).
And complaining about wsg being the only bg?
All 20-29 premades take place in WSG too? Plus most 20s specific queue wsg pugs too.
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