PTR Update, for those who were wondering.


50% Base resilience bumped down to 40%. :D So thats good.... what else......DPS classes damage will be toned down, so hopefully Lol Demo Locks, and Boomchickens won't destroy everything in sight before release, but this could change. I am currently leveling a Shadow Priest, but it probably won't be BOA. However I have most of the caster BOA's save for the headpiece, and the leggings (yes BOA leggings are on the PTR, but since you need to be Guild Level 25, and have reached 600 skill points in all professions, I assume all professions, but it could just be primary, no one can test them. The other PTR thread got knocked off the page, so I hope to keep this one updated if anything comes up, and I encourage people to copy over their twinks, of any bracket, and come test out the new stuff. Especially since they fixed the disconnections and many other bugs. the Guild Twinkinfo that was made on Nobundo is pretty lonely :( and only Licholas came once to duel at Guru, but it was so laggy we couldn't really duel.

So please, bring any class you can (especially if its a 20) so we can duel and figure out whats good and whats bad ^_^
thats awesome.. i used advantage of having 50% resil by using some pve gear mixed with my pvp gear (i finally got to the point where i can actually beat premade warrior's second wind while maintaining 74% resil as a fire mage. (i stacked mastery and crit.
since its 40% now, its 64% for me.. that wont be too bad i dont think.
I accept any duels or playing together in PTR premade! :)) fun fun fun
thats awesome.. i used advantage of having 50% resil by using some pve gear mixed with my pvp gear (i finally got to the point where i can actually beat premade warrior's second wind while maintaining 74% resil as a fire mage. (i stacked mastery and crit.
since its 40% now, its 64% for me.. that wont be too bad i dont think.
I accept any duels or playing together in PTR premade! :)) fun fun fun

Its not fun for me as a warrior, in s10 I hit like a wet poo. :/
i copied over my f2p mage to nobundo its pending atm when its done ill log in time to time to check for activity

ps im horde
i copied over my f2p mage to nobundo its pending atm when its done ill log in time to time to check for activity

ps im horde

Horde? poo :/ I have almost no Geared toons on horde to copy over. lol. Oh well. at least you can see the changes. Frost and Fire are pretty good, if you can land back to back crits. for instant Pyro
P.S Shadow Spec got shafted hard at the f2P bracket, but buffed to high heavens for the 24's with Devouring plague. Mind Blast, and Shadowform. Along with mages at 24 as well, though F2P mages are also pretty good so far. I am going by PvE Damage, then subtracting 40% from all damaging abilities, and with Shadows only attack spells being Mind Flay, and SW: Pain, they may die out in MoP. QQ
Are Rshamms still Spamming HS for 1.5 mins??
Hpallys still critting 800 on a player?

Even with the resi nerf, the healing/ damage ratio will be messed up, with hpally's, critchickens, 24 fmages/spriests(demo critting 300on a 4 sec cast, is NOT my idea of high dps, i may be wrong) pulling the only competetive dps, and thus being the only classes worth stacking, due to the much higher healing output,dont get me wrong, i love destro/feral/enh, etc, but plan to main a rshmm/boomkin, due to the Healing/dmg ratio being higher

Mage's i dont know bout, fire if it gets a HS proc, instant pyro will be op'd, but its a 7% ish chance based upon average crit levels@20
Arcane looks nice, but the 2 sec cast on AB, and needing a 4 charge to deal dmg, dumbs down the spec

Is the intellect to SP rate still 2/3ish?, or will my enh shaman have as mush sp, as a near bis resto??

I am glad for boomkin buffs, but id play one even if they did average dmg
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Horde? poo :/ I have almost no Geared toons on horde to copy over. lol. Oh well. at least you can see the changes. Frost and Fire are pretty good, if you can land back to back crits. for instant Pyro

tested out al 3 specs fire is the way to go imo from what i can see now

needed all my hit gear to cap spell against 20s thou
Sunfire is a seperate spell form MF
Ferals Get rip by 20, + SR, a 5p's looks do do nice dmg( 130 every 2)

Feral may be viable

Rake(75E lft) 1cp SR(60E lft) Mangle(35Elft) Mangle again (10E lft) TF(80E)mangle (55E) Mangle (30E) Mangle(0E), and 2.5 sec later, a 5 cp rip( or 5 cp FB, rip has higher DPCP(2X), but takes 16 sec for dmg, on a FC, id rip, on a faster target, id FB), even with low tot, you should be able to get a 5cp'r off before you need to refresh SR( use 1 CP, most CP/time ratio)
Feral charge for gap closing
or, blow the above combo, Displacer beast, and run away, and let dots weaken them b4 opening again

Guardian get bear hug, which is 30% HP as phys to target

I have not factored armor/resil into these equations( and assuming 100% ToT)
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Are Rshamms still Spamming HS for 1.5 mins??
Hpallys still critting 800 on a player?

Even with the resi nerf, the healing/ damage ratio will be messed up, with hpally's, critchickens, 24 fmages/spriests(demo critting 300on a 4 sec cast, is NOT my idea of high dps, i may be wrong) pulling the only competetive dps, and thus being the only classes worth stacking, due to the much higher healing output,dont get me wrong, i love destro/feral/enh, etc, but plan to main a rshmm/boomkin, due to the Healing/dmg ratio being higher

Mage's i dont know bout, fire if it gets a HS proc, instant pyro will be op'd, but its a 7% ish chance based upon average crit levels@20
Arcane looks nice, but the 2 sec cast on AB, and needing a 4 charge to deal dmg, dumbs down the spec

Is the intellect to SP rate still 2/3ish?, or will my enh shaman have as mush sp, as a near bis resto??

I am glad for boomkin buffs, but id play one even if they did average dmg

Im sure with the resil change they aren't hitting near as much, though I could be wrong. As for SP. with a Full BOA set, excluding the cloak and helm for F2P reasons my mages was sitting at a good 100+ SP at level 16, give or take 10 or 20 SP, and not even in full BiS. As for the HS procs it wil probably take careful planning. Like using scorch or another spell to get a crit, followed by a nova, then hopefully a Pyro Crit, which leads to the instant pyro. its all speculation, with no one willing to come on and test changes, there is very little I can tell you at this point (lazy people -.-)..
I have a mage( nowhere near BIS)
Almost BiS feral( with a partial bal gearset)
And a sub rogue
But there all on anesterian& idk if cross realm zones will let us duel
Durotar is full of people from different realms duelling each other
Im sure with the resil change they aren't hitting near as much, though I could be wrong. As for SP. with a Full BOA set, excluding the cloak and helm for F2P reasons my mages was sitting at a good 100+ SP at level 16, give or take 10 or 20 SP, and not even in full BiS. As for the HS procs it wil probably take careful planning. Like using scorch or another spell to get a crit, followed by a nova, then hopefully a Pyro Crit, which leads to the instant pyro. its all speculation, with no one willing to come on and test changes, there is very little I can tell you at this point (lazy people -.-)..

The resil change is 40%, down from 50%
I am non bis, and critting 600 from my 2 main nukes, SS, ans SF( on players)
But my rejuv is ticking 166 in feral gear, and in bal gear(85ish SP), swiftmend is hitting 500, instant cast
Pop a lifeblood Regrowth/swiftmend, and its a mini LoH( with a 15 sec CD)
I think the Cross realm dueling is broken. because I can't duel alliance who are from Naralex EU :L. Either way, I have not been on live forever. Too much fun on my warrior doing heroics and shizz. it feels nice to feel like a P2P if only for just the PTR.

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