50% Base resilience bumped down to 40%.
So thats good.... what else......DPS classes damage will be toned down, so hopefully Lol Demo Locks, and Boomchickens won't destroy everything in sight before release, but this could change. I am currently leveling a Shadow Priest, but it probably won't be BOA. However I have most of the caster BOA's save for the headpiece, and the leggings (yes BOA leggings are on the PTR, but since you need to be Guild Level 25, and have reached 600 skill points in all professions, I assume all professions, but it could just be primary, no one can test them. The other PTR thread got knocked off the page, so I hope to keep this one updated if anything comes up, and I encourage people to copy over their twinks, of any bracket, and come test out the new stuff. Especially since they fixed the disconnections and many other bugs. the Guild Twinkinfo that was made on Nobundo is pretty lonely
and only Licholas came once to duel at Guru, but it was so laggy we couldn't really duel.
So please, bring any class you can (especially if its a 20) so we can duel and figure out whats good and whats bad ^_^
So please, bring any class you can (especially if its a 20) so we can duel and figure out whats good and whats bad ^_^