PTR Changes


It's that time again folks! Time to post up your observations on changes that are currently in the works on the PTR! I'll start this thing off with two small nerfs: First to the glorious stats chest enchant, tooltip says it's now +5 to all stats; and shadow armor for cloak is now +2 agi +5 armor for 39's. All other enchants appear to be unchanged at this time.


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weapons and armor with proc got nerfed to do 70% of damage/heal of the live version
Blade of eternal darkness from marudon got a bigger nerf
Incendiary ammunition also nerfed
ANY1 know how to Q for new warsong in wargame on ptr? when i q'd with wargame helper we just got into old warsong K M S, and no fking info abt the command from blizz side anywhere what it is to get into new1,
Checked on a few things in the ptr. Non-dungeon quest blues are confirmed scaled to ilvl45, but your current versions of the items will not upgrade. (If you have mokmorokks, it will still be ilvl40)

Zandalari troll racial tooltips are not working properly. Blessing of the loa is well understated what the tooltips say. The stacking bleeding states in the tooltip that it will do ~700 bleed dmg over 6 secs when it's actually ticking 50-60 every 2 secs for 6 secs, and the heal is healing around 100 hp, so they're not looking to be incredibly overpowered, just very strong. Going to hop on the ptr today and I'll post some screenshots testing each one of them out
Checked on a few things in the ptr. Non-dungeon quest blues are confirmed scaled to ilvl45, but your current versions of the items will not upgrade. (If you have mokmorokks, it will still be ilvl40)

Zandalari troll racial tooltips are not working properly. Blessing of the loa is well understated what the tooltips say. The stacking bleeding states in the tooltip that it will do ~700 bleed dmg over 6 secs when it's actually ticking 50-60 every 2 secs for 6 secs, and the heal is healing around 100 hp, so they're not looking to be incredibly overpowered, just very strong. Going to hop on the ptr today and I'll post some screenshots testing each one of them out

the mokmorok on my shaman is ilvl 45

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