Protection Warriors?


Hey guys, I have a warrior who i hardly play anymore and I dont think i really want be fury. Im wondering how protection is now for 19s. Please help. Thanks
roll fury..............sword (crusader enchant) and board (S & B)

have seen some successful 19 warriors in BGs doing this and here is why....they become near paladin like from some talents with heal backs.



-Weapon Enchant

get one point in piercing howl, this works killer for maintaining time on target (ToT), by the time it wears off, within a short period it can be hit again.

also, i was doing dungeon finder other day and a 19 twink warrior was farming for gear or satchel reward cloaks. the healer in our group mentioned, she did not have to heal and was DPSing. this made me question/wonder, so i started watching and warrior was getting HP back near continously. i opened a internet page and armory'd him. expecting prot spec...he was not.....he was S & B, fury spec
since inspect in game is still broke, which forces me to armory players....i need to start writing down some names of unique or prime examples of players gear.
i just leveled a warry through the 10-19 bracket with a lil xp off stop at 16 (gear farming).

with no glyphs (-5m charge) and howl entering the game at 19 it was frustrating. dealing a high amount of dmg and re-generate hp is easy ... if and only IF you can reach your target. hamstring + glyphs are gone -> no tools for warrys (besides PH).

almost every other class can deal the same amount of dmg (if played well) and got tools as a plus. go the fury route and additionally roll a rouge/hunter/pally for xpBGs as long as they are that much OP.
before this patch, a lot of players would have gotten nerd raged for attacking pets and not going after the player.

i have seen warriors do quite well by utilizing enemy pets for quick rage build up, as charge targets, and some healing. plus pets are extremely weak now, especially hunter pets.

pets sent in too early on a warrior and you are not in cast or shoot range....actually can help a warrior get a close charge near you and get you in piercing howl range.
Why so many warrior players wear shadowfang?

I also own sf but I don't see why to use now. o_O
shanker said:
pets sent in too early on a warrior and you are not in cast or shoot range....actually can help a warrior get a close charge near you and get you in piercing howl range.

Shhhhh! Don't give the baddies any help. ;)

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