Prot Warrior (for PvP)

Is it viable? I was considering doing it on my Warrior, but I don't know if it's any good. If it is, has anyone got an armory of a good one?

Warning - Loud Music.
it was nerfed pretty badly, id go arms tbh, its just better
Good shields come from raiding [: ToC25 has a nice one, same as icc10 buh you can try for crest of lorderon for heroic CoS or just buy the shield off of the ah, i forget its name
Personally dude, i would go arms.

This is coming from a warrior who leveled from lvl 45-80 prot. It was actually rapeface before they nerfed warbringer now its actually a joke.

A single snare will let you be kited by every tom dick and harry under the sun. Normally you would remove movement impairing effects with it however now its only intercept which breaks snares which removes your utility.

However if you are still going for prot (highly reccomend you dont) then get Nighttime from FoS HC and get the shield from HoR (Normal).

Best of luck
Well, I wanted to go Prot anyway :p I'm bored of Arms, I want to do something new. I actually got Nighttime and the Shield from HoR Normal y/day, put Bersekrer on the wep and Titanium Plating on the shield. I was wondering though, should I be in Defensive Stance most of the time? Or Battle Stance (for Hamstring)?

EDIT: I have tried Prot a bit now. I like it quite much, but it is no good for 2v2. I tried 3v3 with an Arcane Mage and a Holy Pala, and it worked out quite well.
Yeah its nice with a paladin, since HoF increases your dps.

I normally switch stances, initially charge get a hamstring then defensive stance. This is because devestate gives you the free shield slam and revenges and thats where the dps lies =)
Hello and listen

Ignore everyone who says don't go Prot - please

On the Arena Tournament EU that just occured a few weeks ago, Protection Warriors were more common than Arms Warriors and they were in the top 8 arena teams playing Prot Warrior/MM Hunter/Holy Paladin

Also I have a Prot Warrior and they are extremely fun and viable.

If you are interested in Prot PvP - stick with it, it is alot of fun and increadibly powerful.
its viable, if you have supporting classes, for e.g the HoF from the pala increases mobility and ur just as threatening. But 1-1 situation vs a frost mage, any good mage should walk all over the prot. Whereas arms would put up more of a fight.
I play a protect pvp warrior. Hella fun tanking ppl. Get the slowest 1hander u can find and the best shield u can get. Arp gems n str is what ur after. I'm on my cell phone ATM. But look up "Mercy" on the armory. Lvl 80 Orc warrior server is kil'jeaden. Best of luck. Ps: Arms is good but personally I find protect pvp better. More survivability and it's hella fun tanking ppl or silencing the crap outa casters. Good times. PPS: u can Also get 2 prices of t10 gear for the set bonus of 20% increased sheild slam and shockwave dmg, I usually go all out pvp gear tho as revenge will be your heavy hitter.
prot pvp

i right now only do prot pvp. try 2v2 with a good balance druid and it's a win. to the people who say arms is better, i just lol :p i win easily similar/better geared arms warriors. just so great survivability and super fun ;) love it
My only 80 is a warrior. MSpec ~ Made for tanking heroics, OSpec ~ for solo'ing old school content. I really dont pvp with him much; only the odd duel and a BG every now and then for fun. I use my Main spec, which is heavily Prot based, with points in Fury to get the shout that slows the enemy, and 5 in arms for parry. In my opinion, between Charge, intercept, the stun(single target one, prot point), shockwave, and that shout that slows them, the enemy really doesnt get to move alot. I usually always have 1 stun at the ready, and it seems to work ok. When my two melle stuns are on C/D, I run a few yards from the enemy and charge/intercept back at them. The whole system seems to work ok for me, but I dunno how it would go for a hardcore pvp'r. I just use my normal tanking gear, mainly iLvL219s.

If you wanna check him out, look for "Zelex", Caelstraz. Good luck dude

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