Prot Warrior FC Race....

No. Still orc for DPS. Cow for HP and stomp. It's just plain fun to stomp gnomes, even if it's not a strategic time to do it, just for the amusement factor.
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Abagayle is fem cow.... Undead will have a sexy racial in MoP, but stomp+swiftness potion puts 10 yards between you and everything else
Belf - I don't think I've ever seen a prot belf lvl 20 and the aoe silence is gravy. I find belf to be the best jumper I seem to have problems with the Tauren model in comparison.

And on Juggernaut when I have giant growth elixir going I cannot fit down some parts of the WSG alliance tunnel without a bit of navigating.
Tauren, fem or male, will always fall a bit behind going up the tunnels when everyone else runs past you still mounted. Which can be a problem if you're going up tunnel to snag flag and someone else goes before you. Shrug.
Belf = Tauren > UD > everything else.
For Horde, I would go tauren female.

The reason why you should consider Tauren Female because that specific gender of race tends to be able to do Horde FC Jumps the easiest In my personal opinion.

Of course if you wanted to do Prot DPS in AB or Arenas(which is totally viable if you have another person slowing/rooting your targets for you) I would suggest Undead or even Blood Elf. But Tauren Female gets the job done for FCing.
yeah its always wierd for me fcing as druid (i know its off topic a lil) sometimes the horde fence jump is a first jump thing in bear and sometimes im jumping like five times lol . always seems a lill bit random for me what form, cer, u find the fence jump to be easiest at as a druid(troll)

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