Prot pallys

Tom Ganks

They aren't just broken. They have the damage and healing of a lvl 10 leveling prot pally with no boa, they have the damage resistance of a hunter.

I'm heart broken. Hoping for fix soon.

Good thing ret's op and I have my dps set.
Actually my very first experience in arena was with my prot pally. My mate was a hunter (russian hunter) vs a single priest. You got it right, 2v1!
The priest owned both of us. My dmg as pala was ridicolous and heal even worst, i tried to heal my partner but i went oom really quickly i wasn't able to do nothing, not even a hammer of justice or judgement.
Fix that blizzard
Yesterday my prot warrior, shield slam critted for 1500+. Now I'm lucky if it crits 200.
Blizz buffing hp, and nerfing damage makes no sense. I prefer getting 1 shotted, or 1 shotting. That to be fighting an 1v1 for 10 minutes.
Grrrr. this patch though :|
I know it sucks if you've put time into one, but tanks were never meant to be DPS.
My twinked prot warrior was killed by trash in WC. I charge up to 3-4 dinosaurs and drop a shield slam and thunderclap. The shield slam CRIT for 60 dmg. Even with the boosted health pool, I died faster than i would have prepatch. Weaker and squisher. This is only emphasized in pvp where everyone has massive hp pools. I'm not even a good meat wall anymore.
Tanks aren't meant to dps, I agree, but they aren't playable at all right now.

Mana regen blows, and we hit like a wet noodle.

I don't care to have 1k Frisbee tosses back, but this is too much (or too little if I must say)
Tank specs doing less damage than DPS specs? Yeah, they better fix that...

Actually, Blizzard's stated goal in regard to the role of tanks in WoD PvP is that they should be virtually indistinguishable from a DPS class. This is why they brought back Vengeance and applied a debuff that increases tank damage taken by 25% from other players. Of course, that 25% debuff actually makes them weaker against magic damage than any other DPS class and it makes them weaker against physical damage than 2H plate DPS and mail DPS with a shield, which is beyond retarded.
Holadin is complete op...u can spam rnd braindead heals like a idiot...dont care u will never be oom.
In bg i got 207 spell and over 5k hp..3700 mana and can hardcast endless spam.
i dont belive that 1 dps can kill any heal ( whit gear ) solo.
Tank specs doing less damage than DPS specs? Yeah, they better fix that...

Really? Go figure... Tank specs are not meant to deal damage and they are not meant to heal. Why the big surprise? As a prot you should be able to get 3-4 heals before going OOM. i don't go around DPSing on my resto shaman, I heal with it. Prot has finally been fixed.

Really? Go figure... Tank specs are not meant to deal damage and they are not meant to heal. Why the big surprise? As a prot you should be able to get 3-4 heals before going OOM. i don't go around DPSing on my resto shaman, I heal with it. Prot has finally been fixed.


Do you even play prot pal? Like regularly? Like as a main spec? We cant even tank dungeons efficiently now dude. Squishy as hell and we do less dmg than healers, and not enough dmg to keep aggro from higher dps'ers.

I'd say what we "deserved" is an arrogant statement. Especially considering Tanks (other than previous p2p/24) have never been any type of real threat, except bear hopping Guardians.
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Do you even play prot pal? Like regularly? Like as a main spec? We cant even tank dungeons efficiently now dude. Squishy as hell and we do less dmg than healers, and not enough dmg to keep aggro from higher dps'ers.

I'd say what we "deserved" is an arrogant statement. Especially considering Tanks (other than previous p2p/24) have never been any type of real threat, except bear hopping Guardians.

Like I have like said in the past like, all I do is heal like. Like I am a lover like not a like fighter like.

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