Prot Pally/Resto Shammy 2v2


Hi new reader here (though i have been spending a incrediable amount of time here lately lol) I would like to hear some constructive criticism. Here are some links for the toons. Then i will go threw a basic strategy for this team and see if there is anything anybody can think of to help me and my gf do it even better


Basically the fight would go like this: I buff blessing of might as we dont need the resistance from blessing of kings. She will earth shield me because she has 45% resilience plus two percent dmg reduction from spells(meta). We are using the old tactic of burn the non-earth shielded to our advantage as hopefully they will attack her and even without earth shield they shouldnt be able to burn her fast enough (or ever). She would probally leave the shield on me so they dont do the old switch and blow me up.

Against the most common type of team (1 healer & 1 dps) we would basically pressure healer and when the time comes me:

Purge fresh shield on healer if there is one (shaman) & SoR x1(pally)
Double tazik (both)
HoW (pally) & gnomish lightning generator(shaman)

purge fresh shield & SoR x2 (pally)
tazik (both)
gnomish lightning generator (both)


1. Is the paladin to squishy?
- I was hoping with the earth shield, all the paladins CDs, and having a beast shaman healer he isnt
2. Is the shaman going to have mana problems?
3. Does the shaman have to much resilience and not enough healing output to keep the paladin from double mage or rogue burst?

I look forward to any questions, comments, or constructive criticism anyone has to suggest. Help! :)
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I don't know if I just lost sense of reality or did that make no sense?

Why not lol? I showed the gear w/ enchants and gems. I showed talents and glyphs. I showed professions. I gave a general fight scenario against a healer and a dps where the strategy I suggested would either work and we would then use the 'finisher' (the lines of text where i said a ability, tinker, or trinket and who was using them) i also suggested or we would get pwned like noobs and die. Which is what im trying to prevent by asking questions and putting out any information I can think of after countless hours of reading on here and other sites plus chardev. If others dont understand Ill try to rephrase myself better.
Oh I thought I was in a twinking forum. Heavy character development comes with the territory. From what I have read any team that doesnt include two of the three classes (mage, rogue, priest) has a harder time in this bracket. All im saying is: Im playing a prot pally and she's a resto shaman. We are playing this comp good, bad, whatever. And I being a bit of a overdeveloper perhaps thought I would meet like minded individuals who would understand and give revelent information. Im not asking for counters to teams. Perhaps tips from other people that have played the team. Also what would a good third be for a 3v3? And does the gear and the goal of team strategy sound decent?
Oh I thought I was in a twinking forum. Heavy character development comes with the territory. From what I have read any team that doesnt include two of the three classes (mage, rogue, priest) has a harder time in this bracket. All im saying is: Im playing a prot pally and she's a resto shaman. We are playing this comp good, bad, whatever. And I being a bit of a overdeveloper perhaps thought I would meet like minded individuals who would understand and give revelent information. Im not asking for counters to teams. Perhaps tips from other people that have played the team. Also what would a good third be for a 3v3? And does the gear and the goal of team strategy sound decent?

Idd twinking is about what you just said.. And some other stuff..
But people(most people) in this forum bracket are just mad people, who take any chance they have, to troll..

Anyway.. on topic..

I dont think your damage output will do it..
Atleast not vs other healing teams.

See this scenario.

Priest / anything dps. (And there IS going to be alot of comps with priests)

The dps give you heavy damage, while the healer in keeping him alive, because your damage aint that great..
While the priest keeps mana burning your healer..

Other scenario.

Rogue / Rogue (Another extremely played comp)

Saps healer.
Nukes you.


Other scenario.

Rogue / Rogue (Another extremely played comp)

Saps healer.
Nukes you.


Yeah right.. because there is no such thing as bubble? D:

If he manages to put on his Seal on both, they BOTH are forced to use the cloak.. and after that she should be able to manage 2 rogues with HoJ and other defensive cooldowns.. also the shaman might put his shield on the pally and the pally uses his super pro melee-bubble-macro? :/

i just think its not that clear, like you wrote it would be.. :D

So there is nothing they can do? like Nafury said pala has bubble, hoj, rep, shaman can also hex and los 30-40 yards by a pillar to avoid blind therefore forcing one of the rogues to literally chase him if we wants to throw any more cc out on the opener.. if the rogues are mediocre using peels like this shouldn't be a problem and should give him enough time to pick himself back up.

Protection has repentance now?

Oh and @OP, Protection paladins get 10% DR from just being protection. You can swap two things. First is use the sha'tar rep shield (more str, you don't need the other stats), and just gem pure str. Don't meet any socket bonuses, because you're nigh-unkillable anyway (AP scaling on WoG is retarded at 70). Just focus on damage output, because that is what you'll lack. Stun, glyphed AS into a shield slam with tazik is likely enough to kill anything, especially if you have purges.
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Protection has repentance now?

Oh and @OP, Protection paladins get 10% DR from just being protection. You can swap two things. First is use the sha'tar rep shield (more str, you don't need the other stats), and just gem pure str. Don't meet any socket bonuses, because you're nigh-unkillable anyway (AP scaling on WoG is retarded at 70). Just focus on damage output, because that is what you'll lack. Stun, glyphed AS into a shield slam with tazik is likely enough to kill anything, especially if you have purges.

Ty for the info guys. Especially you splosion. I originally had full str gems but swapped a little when I started lookin at the shamans resilience.

for double rogue teams should we stack and then pally use conc to keep em from sappin or would they still be able to?

for mages I was thinkin of just running round poles using taziks, lightning generators exorcisms shocks and AS. Just purge shsields every thirty seconds and widdle at them.Just have to do a tiny bit of dmg to those glass cannons before they try and run away or poly then evocation. Which never works lol.
Ty for the info guys. Especially you splosion. I originally had full str gems but swapped a little when I started lookin at the shamans resilience.

for double rogue teams should we stack and then pally use conc to keep em from sappin or would they still be able to?

for mages I was thinkin of just running round poles using taziks, lightning generators exorcisms shocks and AS. Just purge shsields every thirty seconds and widdle at them.Just have to do a tiny bit of dmg to those glass cannons before they try and run away or poly then evocation. Which never works lol.

Rogues can still sap, so it's kinda a waste of mana. Just peel like crazy if they go for your shaman.

As for mages, you're a freaking protection paladin. Use that freedom, use that ranged, high-damage silence you have. If I played a 70 protadin I'm sure I wouldn't have that much trouble with mages (especially with a little frost res) As I said, you can silence into a stun, then potentially double-shield slam followed by a hammer of wrath. Add in purges, and your target is dead.
I do this comp in 2v2 (we are around 2.1k mmr, and got it b4 single tazik) now that we got double tazik is way easier xD
Shaman Armory: Tomelirôla @ Azralon - Game Guide - World of Warcraft (im using leather gloves because the mail gloves didnt drop yet and Tazik > 5% int)
Pally Armory: Pirocaman @ Azralon - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Against healer DPS, we usually burst the DPS while HoJ the healer. The pally gets his holy power to start the burst, and unleash lava burst to help him.
Purge is more then needed. Rogues and mages dies VERY fast.
Ty for the valuable information victor. I see the shaman needs spell pen and hit rating. 1% racial possibly eliminating a enchant or gem. Ill check it out tonight after cutting grass and ditch racking yay ;) Also I will be switching to full str gems as you seem to do fine with the res you have on the pally. Maybe lose a few res gems on the shaman for stam as i recently read a good post about maximazing your survivability by making sure your at the perfect stam to resilience ratio. Will have to run the formulas I seen tonight as well.


I would assume HoJ would just get trinketed or do you wait for second HoJ for killing blow?
Do you use devotion aura or concentration aura when rogues are beating on healer?
I see you have a priest in your threes team. Is it a S priest/ R Sham/ Prot pally or Disc/ele/prot?
I also see you have glyphed seal of truth and kings. I buff might because it increases my AP by alot more and the resistances dont stack w/ glyph of healing totem. Do you find the general increase in all stats for both of you is better then much more AP and the better mana regen from might? Also i thought expertise was pretty low on pally dps stats. You pref that over 5% crit to main attack? Or even Glyph of Exorcism ive thought about using over the crit. May be a bit more situational but for mages LoS
-> AS -> Exorcism -> LoS. it would do good dmg and they wouldnt be able to heal threw it for atleast six seconds witht the dot on. Also could use to dot up a rogue whos running away and you dont have seal of truth and your shammy is busy.
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Ty for the valuable information victor. I see the shaman needs spell pen and hit rating. 1% racial possibly eliminating a enchant or gem. Ill check it out tonight after cutting grass and ditch racking yay ;) Also I will be switching to full str gems as you seem to do fine with the res you have on the pally. Maybe lose a few res gems on the shaman for stam as i recently read a good post about maximazing your survivability by making sure your at the perfect stam to resilience ratio. Will have to run the formulas I seen tonight as well.


I would assume HoJ would just get trinketed or do you wait for second HoJ for killing blow?
Do you use devotion aura or concentration aura when rogues are beating on healer?
I see you have a priest in your threes team. Is it a S priest/ R Sham/ Prot pally or Disc/ele/prot?
I also see you have glyphed seal of truth and kings. I buff might because it increases my AP by alot more and the resistances dont stack w/ glyph of healing totem. Do you find the general increase in all stats for both of you is better then much more AP and the better mana regen from might? Also i thought expertise was pretty low on pally dps stats. You pref that over 5% crit to main attack? Or even Glyph of Exorcism ive thought about using over the crit. May be a bit more situational but for mages LoS
-> AS -> Exorcism -> LoS. it would do good dmg and they wouldnt be able to heal threw it for atleast six seconds witht the dot on. Also could use to dot up a rogue whos running away and you dont have seal of truth and your shammy is busy.

You answered your own question.
Concentration, rogues get 70% arp when they're usually wanting to kill something.
Minor glyphs don't do a lot.
Expertise is low yes, and since paladins can't have their CCs dodged/parried in pvp, it only comes down to slower generation of holy power, and lower damage. But, avenger's shield/judgement/holy wrath can only miss, so you don't lose much.
AS gives a 3sec silence. They won't be casting for 3/6 seconds, and the exo dot does so poor damage as protection it's just not worth it. As for rogues: you're using seal of truth. Judge them and you get the same effect. Not sure why you would avoid using the best damage seal in a bracket that revolves around damage.
1)I would assume HoJ would just get trinketed or do you wait for second HoJ for killing blow?

Always wait for the perfect oportunity, make them blow their CDs them set up a burst.

2)Do you use devotion aura or concentration aura when rogues are beating on healer?

ALWAYS devotion, healers usually have 40% reduc, and with earth shield its almost impossible to a rogue to solo me (the shaman), if its double DPS try to play as safe as u can, trying not to overlap any defensive CDs, like Spirit link, BoP, Swiftness etc. Sometimes the pally can help healing when u get stunned without CDs (and if u dont have earthshield up its a must).

3)I see you have a priest in your threes team. Is it a S priest/ R Sham/ Prot pally or Disc/ele/prot?
Resto Shaman, Prot Pally, Shadow Priest.

4)I also see you have glyphed seal of truth and kings. I buff might because it increases my AP by alot more and the resistances dont stack w/ glyph of healing totem. Do you find the general increase in all stats for both of you is better then much more AP and the better mana regen from might?

I dont know much about his glyphs choices, but we always start with kings. And if we dont have enough burst or i Purged a lot and im in need of mana we switch to might. the extra stats against some rogues and mages is needed, sometimes they do so much damage and if im out of CDs could mean game.

5)Also i thought expertise was pretty low on pally dps stats. You pref that over 5% crit to main attack? Or even Glyph of Exorcism ive thought about using over the crit. May be a bit more situational but for mages LoS

-> AS -> Exorcism -> LoS. it would do good dmg and they wouldnt be able to heal threw it for atleast six seconds witht the dot on. Also could use to dot up a rogue whos running away and you dont have seal of truth and your shammy is busy.

Sorry, cant answer that one (im the shaman and dont know much about the pally choices) but i can give u a link to another prot pally =p
Failcleave @ Frostmane - Game Guide - World of Warcraft


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