Prot Pally Healing

not dont get any of the things that make it viable at level 80 such as 6 second stun and ranged silence etc
I know at 39, since the nerf to illumination, you can skip that talent, the only real talents that are any good in holy (yeah the tree sux), are thge one for +12% healing and improved concentration aura. Really thats about it. If its anything like 39, you just spam flash til your fingers bleed, HL is too expensive to use and you dont get the reduced cast time at these lower levels so its still 2.5 sec. So prot builds could work, really not givin up alot, kinda the reason why people do prot healing builds at 80 for pvp, the holy tree sux and you dont get much from it.
Cool thanks ... I think I will at least try it with the heirloom healing mace. If it doesn't work out I can pass the mace on to my priest. I'll report back on how it goes.


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