I've had a lot of clutch runs FC'ing as holy but I don't recommend it as an alternative in a wargame... ever. If anything get a stam stacked WW monk to FC, they've got great mobility and fof to peel nubs off.
As of right now in the meta of wargames every team seems to roll druids for their fc 100% of the time. But I argue Prot pally is more BiS because of the stronger off heals, silence ability which can be crucial against enemy healers, Hammer of justice, and lay on hands. Yes I know druids have best mobility but in wargames speed doesnt have an impact because you have to stay with group and by the time your team gets the kill stacks will probably be high.
What are your guys thoughts?
Disengage is basically displacer beast on a shorter CD and we get more snares than Druids with conc+pet lol
That is why the hunter should be the first to attack you and the rogue should have an open window to one-shot you with your reduced health.