Prot Paladin twink


Hi there, new to the forum and twinking @ 70. Just levelling my pally to 70 and want some info on Prot.

I basically would just like to know what gems to stack and what enchants to use. Is there someones armory I can have a look at to get an idea. Do I need any sunwell gear? Or is it all straight out pvp for BiS?

Any tips would be appreciated
I'm sure it works to play on very low resilience and go for more attackpower and such. But what is not to forget is that even though you might sacrifice 100AP or whatever to get some more resilience doesn't mean that you won't be able to kill as quickly. Because if you're wearing more resilience you might be able to play a bit more offensive instead. Personally i did try go a bit lower on resilience and for a bit more AP but i didnt see a siginificant difference in damage so i thought i would get a bit more so i don't get globalled so easily

Although i'm no expert on the matter. I've only played 30 arena games as prot. But from what i could tell, I didnt need more resilience or more damage as i did global pretty much anything which was dispelled.
I have played prot at 70 for a few seasons, my gearset is much different from most of the prots i find. I go wear a lot of PVE gear i don't know why some people try to go high resil i have hit 2200 with a priest pally and shaman in 2s with the gear i will link. If you got any questions or recommendations speak to me.

Hey mate, do you mind logging off in your prot gear so i can have a glance
When you run in full resil, yes, you can most likely be on offense for a higher portion of the game. But when i am playing fully geared players and trying to kill healers with 500+ resil I find the PVE gear burst really contributes when it counts. If you were to try to run a team oom I suppose the high resil would be a help, however its not often that happens for me hence the PVE gear. Sorry about logging off in that other gear, next time I log it will be in my real gear.
Ah, I thought you was refeering to me DicJtoucher when you said that "i don't know why some people go with so much resilience" because I'm certainly not doing that, I'm running with 400resilience. Anywho with my stats i have no problems killing anything. Got pretty high crit,expertise. a bit lower AP than you though.

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