Prot/Holy Paladin w/ GF gear

Hey guys. Thinking about dusting off my paladin with some GF gear. I'm wondering if any of it is any good. How does the new gearing system work? I heard ilvl trumps all now, is this true? If so some of my high ilvl pieces like Raptor Hide Tunic or Mantis Boots might be BiS now? I'm pretty sure my Skullbreaker is gonna be BiS. How about the shield? Any current BiS 29 paladin links would be great. Thanks!
Item level stacking was a thing in Legion, but your stats no longer scale based off of what item level you have now. I believe it's all just gear based. With that said you've some great GF'd pieces to work with, but as far as the BiS gear for 29 Paladins I couldn't tell you.
As people mentioned stats are definitely good now, so disregard anything about ilvl.

As of right now, there really isn't any bis lvl 29 paladins that I know of, but holy and ret are both very viable specs (tier 3 honestly, so with good gear and as a skilled player you can be very effective). If you go holy, the gf'd gear (what you have on right now) that is good, is your shield and deadman's.

As a holy paladin, what me and Tence have concluded that 1.3 cast time (50 haste for 20-29 in bgs) is where you want to be, and anything more or less than that is a waste of secondaries. Stat priority is as follows: 2k HP (might be able to get more at 29? not too sure) > Int > Haste (until 50) > Vers.

With that being said, full slitherscale (mail set from WC) is your bis set. It offers the most int, without sacrificing too much stam and secondaries. For off pieces you want aurora (haste > vers so you can reach that soft cap), and these pieces will come from BG crates or dungeons.

Deadman's Hand is good, but the only issue I see with it is that you might have a difficulty reaching haste cap while using that. Use at your own discretion, but I wouldn't sacrifice your haste cap along with int and more vers for that ring.

Your shield has the most int I've seen yet on any shield in our bracket, and the pure vers on it is great too, and I feel it'd be too good for you to not use.

Your boots aren't bad, but once again the only issue is that you'll have a difficult time reaching haste cap while using those over aurora boots, especially with using your sick nasty shield.

Here's a link to my armory:

I'm level 20, but it gives a decent base of what enchants to use and potential items (BG crate/dungeon satchel items especially). For bracers, there's a +3 stats enchant that I can't use because it requires lvl 25, but I would use that over what I have on now.

Cloak enchant can vary. You can use the haste/2% speed one if you need the additional haste, but if not, int to cloak is my go to. Same with rings, if you need the haste (2 haste per ring with proper enchants) use those. If you don't, use vers.

I've gotten okay results with my neck enchant, but there's haste to neck (also 2) if you don't really care for ancient priestess, or 2 vers. (ancient priestess is a random proc heal, heals for 150-300, depends on if it crits or not).

Lastly for shoulders, I would use with enchant. Enchant is from therazane rep in deepholm.

That's about all I can think of right now. Sorry for the semi-ghetto guide, but I think it gets the point across. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

edit- haste breakpoint is 50 haste, not 50% haste. my bad for typo

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