Prot healing


A post in another thread inspired me to try prot healing and it was surprisingly good.

I gave up my mobility while healing and probably a little bit of survival for the silence, more stamina and hitcapped spells without gearing hit. The mana regen on judgement easily makes up for the loss of meditation.

So a bit of surival and mobility vs utility

Anyone else tried this? Imo it was more fun than holy :)
random said:
A post in another thread inspired me to try prot healing and it was surprisingly good.

I gave up my mobility while healing and probably a little bit of survival for the silence, more stamina and hitcapped spells without gearing hit. The mana regen on judgement easily makes up for the loss of meditation.

So a bit of surival and mobility vs utility

Anyone else tried this? Imo it was more fun than holy :)

I've seen a lot of this lately. Prot is now(arguably) the new spec for all roles. DPS, Heals, and Fc'ing; Prot does it all. However holy is still(arguably) better for healing/fcing than prot.

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