It's very clear horde have the upper hand of elite players and long time ride or die twinks.
Let's not bullshit ourselves either, people follow the hype, with anything. Which in turns leaves people flowing to the horde side for near insta wins and ever so lovely GY camping.
When I queue up, I'm mainly with lvl 20's, which is nice.. I don't mind it, really.
but when EVERYONE on my side is a F2P and I'm the only 29.. It's kind of discouraging. Let's be real, you're missing vital spells and some stats from not being capped.
It limits my playing field and hinders my chances of ever winning or even enjoying myself.
This is NOT a guild recruitment post, however a post to attempt to level the playing field when it comes to the bracket. I won't even mention a guild name because this isn't about joining a guild, but joining a FACTION.
What I've done here is SOLO accomplished by myself and myself only, I'm a one man show, this is NOT a guild as a whole helping people and funding twinks, this is me, myself and that's it. So this is not guild assisted or for recruiting, I simply use a guild to store items, that's all.
I am looking to COMPLETELY FUND new alliance! enchants, pots, elixirs, gear, bags, name it! I have shit stocked up on bank alts over flowing, what you see in the photo is just a taste of what I have, the bank replenishes often and fairly quickly so nothing is ever out of stock!
I do not mind if you already have horde somewhere else, or even alliance..the point of this is to flood some elite horde players to alliance every now and then and to up the twinks on my server. And when it's absolutely FREE, how could you pass it up?
Adding a new twink to your arsenal of chars at no cost but to simply be active, dedicated and know what you're doing.
I am NOT trying to take you away from your main twink and love, however..get you hyped to come play alliance often and change things up.
- Must have minimum of 3,000 honorable kills on a twink that you own and play.
- Must be team driven and open to working as a whole.
- Must be active, if you're thinking of only logging maybe twice a month, do not bother contacting me.
- Must have a mic for voice chat.
- Must have FULL heirlooms for your class, with the exception of rings.
Add me on BattleNet if you're interested and we can get things going! I'll be on tonight and this week. I can cap you out on BIS chants and gear within 2 days or less depending on your activity.
I am open to funding all classes, preferably one you're comfortable with.
Server - Stormrage
Faction - Alliance
BattleTag - Kocained#1571
Again, this is NOT a guild recruitment post, rather a post to the masses about free funding for alliance to attempt to bridge the gap between factions, that's all.
Don't hesitate or wait!
Jump on this offer before it's too late!
Hopefully this post gets a lot of attention and maybe even pinned for future players to see, this offer will stand forever. I am not going anywhere and am always going to be funding alliance to help level things out.
P.S, the bank is functioned by stacks of 10 on purpose so everyone can share easily since it all comes from one source (me alone), it's not ideal to stack them by 20's when people may not use them all or have them sit.
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