Project/Idea to potentially create Demon Hunter and Evoker at LvL 10


New Member
First of all, sorry for any Bad English or Misunderstandings since English is my second language.

Now i looked everywhere and have found absolutely nothing myself (i can be wrong) but Blizzard states that every MOP Remix Character will be converted into a Standard Character.

So i have personally created 2 Evokers and 2 Demon Hunters on remix. I made 2 of each since Blizzard likes to mess up a characters level and starting area if he has not been logged in.
Therefore i have 2, 1 that has been logged in and moved elsewhere on timeless isle and 1 not logged in yet of each class.

Im hoping that Blizzard will at least convert 1 of each correctly to a lvl 10 with starter gear in stormwind enabling me to disable XP on these characters and avoid starting zone.

Not saying that it will work but there is a chance that might never going to be available again after remix

btw this is my first post here so sorryif i messed something up, love ya.
First of all, sorry for any Bad English or Misunderstandings since English is my second language.

Now i looked everywhere and have found absolutely nothing myself (i can be wrong) but Blizzard states that every MOP Remix Character will be converted into a Standard Character.

So i have personally created 2 Evokers and 2 Demon Hunters on remix. I made 2 of each since Blizzard likes to mess up a characters level and starting area if he has not been logged in.
Therefore i have 2, 1 that has been logged in and moved elsewhere on timeless isle and 1 not logged in yet of each class.

Im hoping that Blizzard will at least convert 1 of each correctly to a lvl 10 with starter gear in stormwind enabling me to disable XP on these characters and avoid starting zone.

Not saying that it will work but there is a chance that might never going to be available again after remix

btw this is my first post here so sorryif i messed something up, love ya.
I had read online that only characters that have gained at least 1 level will be kept after event ends.
I just tried to find that info again but couldn't.
I made a couple of 10's that gained a little experience then stopped.
I leveled some others to 11 and stopped. Will have to wait and see which characters get transferred after Remix ends.
Worst case scenario, if evoker 10s don't come out with the end of remix you'll still be very likely to acquire one through the gear upgrade if you don't log into them for *checks notes* 60 days x
My dracthyr works perfectly fine which I made in remix, currently farming gear with him


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Level 11 Evoker is crazy OP even with basic gear. Soloing dungeons is a breeze.

Very generous move set, great mobility, S tier single target DPS and massive burst AOE, two racial knockbacks, relatively low cooldowns, aoe heal, flightform.

Only downside is not being able to see your visage form on the Armory.

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