US Project 60- Alliance

Since we are brand new, you must start fresh, however, when you hit 60 on the new char, you can bring in the 37
Additional information that could help.

Guild name: Sons of Ragnaros
The Guild is on Alliance side. This is a new start up only a few days old. In the leveling process (as of 4/18/18)
Current Roster:

1.Level Cap will be at 60 (if you need help with doing that, ask someone in guild)
2.Mounts available at lvl 40 (60% speed) and 60 (100% speed)
3.No Dungeon or PvP finder.
4.Heirlooms are not allowed.
5.No grouping with non-guildies, including raids, dungeons, etc.
6.No talents while leveling (explanation for talents are below)
7.No Monks, Death Knights, Demon Hunters and Shamans.
8.Use only Race/class combos from Vanilla (ex.Human Mage, Night Elf Rogue)
9.You may only buy the bags from city rep vendors.
10.No transmog at all.
11.Professions are allowed up to 300.
12.Auction House is prohibited.
13.Leveling Through Battlegrounds is not allowed.
14.No XP increases form events,etc.

Leveling an Alt

- Once you have leveled your main character, you may level an alt character.
- You can use heirlooms, Dungeon Finder if you choose to do so.
-You may not level with anyone that is still leveling their main character, but you may level with other guildies that have made an alt.
-Once lvl 60, you must take off heirlooms and must abide by rest of the rules.

Talents: - Since there is no such thing as a set bonus on the Vanilla raid gear, in order to gain talents.
2 items from tier set = Lvl 15 talent
-4 items from tier set = Lvl 30 talent
-6 items from tier set = Lvl 45 Talent
-8 items from tier set = ALL talents

Molten Core- You must have done both BRD and LBRS and have completed "Attunement to the Core"
BWL- You must have done 1 MC Raid, (and 1 AQ20, if we decide to do that first)
AQ20 - You must have done MC and BWL (if we decide to do BWL before AQ20)
AQ40- You must have done all Vanilla Raids.
*subject to change
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Guild is still going. Got our first person to hit 60 yesterday. 99% of guild still in the leveling process. At 26 members still looking for more! If your interested hop on and make a toon and msg a member for a invite.

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