profs and my opinions.

Can you define "resetting?" Are you talking about the skill benefits being scaled to level, or are they de-evolving your skills from 450 to 225. If you’re talking about the skills having level requirements (lifebloom/toughness ranks being set level 3 or whatever) then, while it sucks, they’re not really taking anything away per-se (and for the record, I think that’s not right, but they’re doing it regardless, for play balance) …

Now, if they are forcibly de-evolving your skills to 225, that’s just wrong. You worked up the skills, you should be able to smelt titansteel, or skin or herb at the max level. Should you decided to level the up out of twinking, you’d still see a huge benefit to having a 450 skill, and having to grind it back up is criminal.
I dont like the 225 cap, but i dont think they should have grandfathered it either
it doesn't matter that you placed time to get your ass to 450, you're not suppose to be at that level to begin with, thus it is normal to de-evolve you to the right level !

this is a game, it changes a lot, you know it. they can't leave people with old things like they use to. a good example is the glasses i have that i bought for 5C, back then if i had known they'd be removed from the game, i would have bought a lot of them and had re-sold them with the enchants of it for quite a price !

the glasses i am speaking are Paris Hilton Ruby Shades, level 1 item with a +100hp to it.

use it back then for my level 1 twink cause i couldn'T have the brewfess hat. now those glasses got removed from the game, i have them still, they still works. but nobody else can have them as they are not sold by paris anymore ! i'm still using them to level characters from 1 to 20... but i'm always willing to say "hey i'm not suppose to have them anymore thus i'm glad they are still there !"

to me it doesn't sucks... its normality !

though i understand the fact that many people including 80s will have to redo their skills once it hits live cause of it. that will suck badly though, so i'm not sure who will get hit the most by it. but if only the lower levels gets hit by that one, then it is all normal to me and it should happen like that anyway !
No it should not be grand fathered, they allowed it for 2-3 months to see how it would work, they were capped for several years.

No they should never ever be grand fathered, you knew the risks involved.

If you don't see why 450 herb, skinning, and or mining is OP on a 19/ clearly just want to steam roll over people with unfair advtanges.
whitekush said:
well devolving the skill from 450-225 is just wrong.

now i dont have a titansteel bar CD right?

i wouldnt mind having the proper ranked toughness (225mining), but being able to keep the 450 so i can still have my CD..

That's my point. Scaling the profession benefits was deemed needed by Blizzard, and they’re addressing it. But they shouldn’t de-evolve the actual trade skill.

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