pro tip : Don't roll a twink on someone elses account

3 times in the past month guildies have lost twinks and had dramas on twinks they've built on friends accounts, friends 2nd accounts etc. Our guild has stopped accepting guild applications from people who play on other ppls accounts. Too much drama and tears before bedtime.

All 3 were younger guys without much money who couldn't afford their own accounts and had put a lot of effort into making the twink.

It seems that the temptation of a finished twink was too much for the owner of the account and they changed passwords and lost a friend in the process.

Why you would go to the trouble of building a twink on someone elses account is beyond me, its not something I would even consider.

Soooo... if you're so skint that you can't afford an account, better spend your spare time earning a bit of money to get your own account than building a twink on someone elses account.
Agilitize said:
I think it should be obvious to not make a twink on another person account o.o

So do I, I cant see why anyone would put in so much effort on something that could be taken away by a password change.
Wuv123 said:
Many people simply want the boas or gold so badly and dont have enough time to play to farm those things and play their twinks, but it's still a bad idea ya.

This is true...but, if you really want your twink to have those, you would grind a toon to 80 :D
Think of it this way - would you want dumb people in your guild? This is a built-in filter. =3
Wuv123 said:
Many people simply want the boas or gold so badly and dont have enough time to play to farm those things and play their twinks, but it's still a bad idea ya.

i dont see how hard it is to lvl to 80 sooo far i lvled 8 80's up i think it's really easy to lvl pvp the dungeon finder and the quest are pretty easy to :D
Omgimarogue said:
what is it you do for a living again?

He did recruit a friend.. and got the uber xp boost. so it really didn't take that long. :p

Although considering I only leveld 1 80 and am close to a 2nd I do still wonder how the hell he finds the time.
we have had issues with twinks being on the same account being used by multiple players. we usually catch this in conversation when talking with player A who logs in 2-3 hours later and when you bring up issues/conversation from earlier in the day, and they have no clue what you are talking about.

they borrow each others twinks, but are never on at the same time due to them being on same account.

we recently lost 3 twinks gold buying. the account info was shared with a gold seller, the gold seller then uses your own account to farm the gold the player is too lazy too farm. then about 3-4 weeks later the account got hacked, items/armor vended and all gold removed. when they complained/explained to blizz on what happened....perma-banned:D

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