
o a quick tip i just remembered....it takes a while to get used to but give it a shot while ur trying to bind ur stuff

move ur run keys from wasd to esdf, and strafe to w and r obviously...or even mover another space over to rdfg with e and t for strafe

this basically allows u to bind all the keys to the left of ur hand as well as to the right...with wasd u basically only can bind above below and to the right...this opens the left without sacrificing any keys on the other 3 sides

i personally like esdf because u can still reach shift ctrl and alt with ease...unless u have tiny ass hands :p

wasd leaves plenty open for a 19, but at 39 u most likely have several more moves...so more easily accessed binds makes sense
if no1 at 39 back strafes, then the melee doesnt know how to deal with it...spend a few weeks at 19 and get ur movement down then head back up to 39s and ull be lawling at "RNG-dependant" classes

Yeah, when I do it, or other funny movements, it tends to disorient melee, though not always when fighting the best players. =/

Another thing about RNG though: the majority of players at 39, no matter what class, tend to believe they have terrible luck when it comes to RNG. So simply reducing the chance of getting hit in a situation is insufficient from our pov. ;)

Edit: and keep the comments coming please. I don't mind walls of text, just fishing for new and different ideas. =)
well from my last 3 posts im all out lol

btw the terrible luck with range thing is cuz of unavoidable server lag...what someone does happens on their screen first...so i a rogue hitting u from 10 yrds away is right next to u on his screen

i dont really get what ur saying about reducing the chance to be hit tho...although back strafing involves facing the person so u can dodge, its really not the reason its done (my priest has at the most 10% dodge)...the real reason is that when u face someone who turns with wasd or even mouse, they have trouble following u and dont lose chance to hit, they actually cant hit it u...its about getting distance on the person...and it works much better at 19 due to the lack of slows (rogues are basically just hacksaws...no cc, no slow)

if u knew this and im just misunderstanding u...my bad
Eh, no, you have good points, it's just that there are so many slows at 39 that moving well doesn't help you get range on someone, since they have sprints, poisons, teammates have other slows, etc. So really, the only thing that tends to happen is I gain 1-2 seconds of breathing space, really not more than a single global cooldown. That, and the small amount of dodge from facing them.
it could work on a pally...they dont really have slows

also on a shammy cuz u can dispel frost shock....right?

edit: either way umm i gtg so ill check here tomorrow

Tetox said:
it could work on a pally...they dont really have slows

also on a shammy cuz u can dispel frost shock....right?

edit: either way umm i gtg so ill check here tomorrow


True. Though difficult to keep up with a shammy frost shocking and/or ghostwolf-ing. And if he gets in range and drops an earthbind (easy if he starts out on a mount), you're going to have an even harder time. Basically, it's not that it's not possible, but that it's never going to be a simple thing, and sometimes you just don't have the time to keep mobile while also supporting teammates.
it's just better to juke without worrying about the 'keeping your front towards the player' thing
Druiddroid said:
it's just better to juke without worrying about the 'keeping your front towards the player' thing

agreed, although i find the technique for the "keeping your front towards the player thing" isnt really that hard to do...its basically strafing with a jump n a turn

but ya juking w/o facing is fine...honestly i wouldnt really know how to go about that lol, but the only reason i kept posting about back strafing was because i had the usually 19 mentality that if ur not back strafing ur either standing still or keyboard turning
I dont have a current pic of my priests ui(lazy) but its basically the same as my warriors.


I play w/ a gaming keyboard so its very easy for me to access 1-10 and the "-" key, I also use shift 1-"-" and control 1-(think im up to 9 by now). I have everything bound, and by everything I mean everything. I cant stand playing and having to click.

My advice for changing things up on your priest is start playing more offensively if you don't already. Basically start mana burning more, try to get more fears in on opposing healers, be super fast w/ dispels, and help your dps kill targets. Priests have never been a 100% healing class in my eyes, especially at 39, I think the most effective way to play your priest is heal when you need to, but let pallies/druids pick up the bulk of it, you should be using your cc's(fear and mc) to your advantage while using mana burn to put the opposing team of defensive.

A lot of priests I run into just sit back and heal, I kinda chuckle when I see it and proceed to mana burn their face off and dispel everything off their current heal target. I dunno I think the best way to spice things up is to play like you are dps spec, but at the same tiem be able to stop and toss out some clutch heals.


whats really funny is I am currently working on a blog explaining how to work more keybinds into your game play, if you want an interesting read check the front page tomorrow or monday=D
useabandage said:
I dont have a current pic of my priests ui(lazy) but its basically the same as my warriors.

I play w/ a gaming keyboard so its very easy for me to access 1-10 and the "-" key, I also use shift 1-"-" and control 1-(think im up to 9 by now). I have everything bound, and by everything I mean everything. I cant stand playing and having to click.

My advice for changing things up on your priest is start playing more offensively if you don't already. Basically start mana burning more, try to get more fears in on opposing healers, be super fast w/ dispels, and help your dps kill targets. Priests have never been a 100% healing class in my eyes, especially at 39, I think the most effective way to play your priest is heal when you need to, but let pallies/druids pick up the bulk of it, you should be using your cc's(fear and mc) to your advantage while using mana burn to put the opposing team of defensive.

A lot of priests I run into just sit back and heal, I kinda chuckle when I see it and proceed to mana burn their face off and dispel everything off their current heal target. I dunno I think the best way to spice things up is to play like you are dps spec, but at the same tiem be able to stop and toss out some clutch heals.


whats really funny is I am currently working on a blog explaining how to work more keybinds into your game play, if you want an interesting read check the front page tomorrow or monday=D

This is actually how I've been starting to play. I've a 60 twink priest that usually just runs in a group of 2 or 3, who are pretty much the only ones I heal (it's AV, 40 Horde to heal while still dps'ing as Disc is ridiculous) and I'm starting to develop the same habit here at 39's.

Need to watch my mana though, and the groups tend to be more than just 3, but my philosophy is I won't let you die, but having a nonstop full hp bar is out of the question. Survivability is very key to me, and that means having to throw some dps out there to bring some opponents down quick. Not just specifically healing.
I'll take a look, Bandage. =)

I started out on my priest playing shadow, and did so for more than a year, so I already play offensively. I'd say if anything, I tend to err on the side of going too offensive. One thing I thought of while doing 5s tonight was that maybe I should be hiding behind a pillar rather than running into the center of the fight to fear ppl. When I'm concentrating a lot on what people are doing, I sometimes lose track of where exactly I'm going, and I end up just strafing around the edges of the fight, rather than finding cover. Though admittably, in arenas like the orgrimmar one, there really isn't any cover anyway. >.<
Keybindings. The better your reaction time the better you are. Keys past 6 you're hurting yourself. Ctrl + Shift should be used before you ever start clicking or reaching. Keys that should be bound: 12345qerfxcv.

Some people forget that the scroll wheel is bindable. I bound my wheel with ctrl/shift and scroll up/scroll down (I kept the "regular" wheel w/ camera zooming). Heals and shapeshifting are perfect for the wheel. Also, if you can cough it up, I highly HIGHLY recommend a G5 Logitech Gaming Mouse. It is only $50 and has two buttons on the side that are perfectly placed. You can bind those plus the ctrl/shift giving you 6 more binds. The best thing about it is that you are using your right hand leaving your other hand to do what ever else is needed.

P.S. Cyclone is a better BG ;)
keybindings don't necessarily improve reaction times. i've seen plenty of lightning fast clickers. the main thing that you get out of keybinding is movement. clickers don't move as well while keybinders can use the mouse and easily turn 180 degrees in a splitsecond.
Keybinds dont have to be the ones the above poster mentioned..any buttons that are somewhat close together that you are comfortable with can be used. I use a somewhat limited set or 2 rows but I do go beyond 6, although I have giant hands so reaching across isnt an issue for me.

I also highly reccomend a gaming mouse. I previously used a G5 and liked it quite a bit over the year and a half it lasted (cord eventually shorted at the base of the mouse) Now I use a Microsoft Sidewinder gaming mouse and have been extreemly happy with it as well. It has the normal 3 button top (right click left click and scroll wheel click) 2 thumb buttons and a special macro button that you can use to set complicated chains of skills (although I dont use that for warcraft at this time, but im sure you could think of something if you really tried) The 2 thumb buttons have proven to be my favorite feature that my old G5 did not offer. Both of those mice allow for weight customization and on the fly DPI changing (you can make the mouse go super fast or super slow with the click of a button while youre playing) The DPI settings are also customizable which is cool if 2000DPI is too fast for you or 100 is too slow.

Definatly dont go wireless though...terribad...
Alteffour said:
Definatly dont go wireless though...terribad...

i've had a wireless mouse and it was just as good as a wired mouse..or at least from what i could tell
Ive generally had bad experiences with wireless mice. From either imput lag due to the wireless connection itself to having batteries go out on me mid fight. Its like the difference between old flat panel monitors for computers that had very slow refresh rates vs the old standard monitors. The imput lag is the primary concern for gamers in general however (although I imagine in FPS games that it is a bigger concern) and even with advancements in technology there can still be issues, especially if you are stuck on an older computer.

The fact is that wired is most likely always going to be at least slightly more reliable of a connection. Not to mention that wired is usually at least a few bucks cheaper :p (last time I actually looked the G5 wired mouse was about $15 cheaper than the G7 Wireless version)

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