Priest-Hunter tactics

Want to know a secret?

keep a 1h weapon with fiery on it for some pinch melee damage. Personally i used a skeletal club with fiery, i've seen some people prefer evocators with fiery.

point is, sometimes you need to chase someone because you cant stand there and wand. plus you want to be right on top of them to fear them when it comes off cd, you'll get weird looks but you'll also be able to help make the kill when it counts.

Beyond that, everyone knows melee priest is BA :cool:
Pindakaas said:
Thx,for tips weve tried the ``Get the dps first so the healer goes oom``works good. Also use my Dispel much more.

Yep were always on Skype in Arena and wsg, My arena partner is gonna get a Ravager and a Bat.

Also wispered your partner Klosterheim he explained me i could use wand on Healer while my partner gets there dps forces the there Healer to heal hisself and his partner.

Were practicing alot in arena we hardly do wsg hope to get you guys down someday,

Grats, Pindakaas

Good to hear your improving dude. I prefer Bat > Ravager but thats just me. Good to hear you got info Klo hes a good priest. Hope to see you guys in arena, we should be playing this week. Altho I normally just do 2v2 with a lock or shaman its nice to try it with a priest. Cya in game dude.

stay alive, save ur mana, throw ur instants on ur partner/pet, wand if you feel your safe, bandage / dispell shit off ur partner so u can save mana, keep dots up


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