Pretty much what Arkant says as far as gear is concerned. Throw your 30 healing on Magefist. I know I have like 5 or 6 bracers available, and before I had my fishing gear, I wasn't really comfortable wearing my mindthrust yet. I have +4 stam bracers with +9 stam for FCing in pugs, mindthrust with 24 healing, bright bracers with 24 healing. Nowadays I'm only using mindthrust with 24 healing or +4stam with +9stam. I'd use the brights before I had my fishing gear and before I got comfortable with having a 1000-1200 health pool in most situations. For comparison, I have 1512 unbuffed HP (1592 with my PWF) in my stam set. Having a huge mana pool (~2k) is way more important than wearing +healing gear. The healing from your gloves, bracers, and weapon enchant (when you are swapped on to your healing weapon) is more than enough and I find that I generally benefit more out of my statted pieces (int) than I do my +healing gear. I do wear one mana libram on my fishing hat in my base set, I do have a +100HP LFH as well that I wear sometimes, but most of the time I'm using 1 mana libram and 1 constitution.