Priest advice

Mkay I am currently working on my 3rd twink and have decided to roll priest. I have been debating on what would be the best to go into (want to focus on arena).

I like deep disc for many reasons but mainly the imp bubble effects. However a disc/holy hybrid seems intresting as well with blessed recovery and Desprate prayer, though recovery only heals 15 per 100 damage so I'm not sure.

Any advise would be great also on what type of gear I should focus on I came up with this but I'm not sure if I'm sacrifising too much int and SP for stam. I will also post the seprate specs I thought of specificly v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

Deep Disc:

I run 28/2/0 and started out with 19/11/0 hybrid for quite long. 19/11/0 is quite good but the thing is: Extra renew is great, Divine Fury is shit since Flash Heal is most likely in all situations better, and the Desperate Prayer is medium okay. With Aimed Shot on or roguepoisons it heals so litte its not even worth it. On the opposite, the discspecc offers Reflective Shield which is just pwn. You basicly tank your opponents if they choose to go for you. Furthermore, the 3/3 Mental Agility is great and the extra intellect is also very welcome. As discpriest you need a lot of mana for dispelling/shielding/burning/healing so the more int you get, the better (without sacrificing TOO much sta or SP of course).

So all in all: You wont miss the extra renew tick or DP when youve tried out 28/2/0. In any way. The more mana, mental agility, reflective shield etc. It's just way better. Especially in arena where you want the extra int. Also the lesser cost on shielding is just awesome :)

Check my armory if youre curious or ask further questions if needed.

I'm pretty sure my guide still covers gear quite well. It's only missing the new chestpiece and the latest updated talents.
I was playing with a priest friend of mine and it concerned me that his 4.4k mana pool was drained by the end of the fight. I wanted to have more HP and SP but it looks like I may have to roll with more int :(
useabandage said:

4k mana ftw


Priests don't need that much sp to be effective.
Remember the 5 second rule, anything that costs mana will break your out of combat regen once it finishes. That means, if possible, cast less. Don't dispel a frost nova after a mage dies, don't use power word: shield often, do whatever it takes to cast less.
4k mana is cool, but 4.5k is even cooler


At some point ill push for even more mana, but 4.5k unbuffed and right around 6k premade buffed is pretty fun ;p

"I was playing with a priest friend of mine and it concerned me that his 4.4k mana pool was drained by the end of the fight."

Either that was a really long fight or your friend was waaaaaaaaay overcasting. It even might not have been anything to do with the priest, it could have been you or your teammates failing to kill targets in a reasonable amount of time too ;p
I did some revisons and came up with 2.7k hp and 3.5k mp while maintaining 130 SP. I see that they are often focused on and so I thought the additional stam was well worth it. v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

As for my disc spec I was wondering would glyph of inner fire be worth it? With imp inner fire and it that would bring my armor up to 30%+ making me far less squishy.

I also played around with a holy/dps build and was quite suprised at what I came up with. However, I don't know how well this spec works or if it's even worth it. Feedback pl0x :D v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner
CitrusZinus said:
As for my disc spec I was wondering would glyph of inner fire be worth it? With imp inner fire and it that would bring my armor up to 30%+ making me far less squishy.

Would like to quote from my "[39] Comprehensive view into all priest abilities/spells":

"Inner Fire:

Without Inner Fire on, I got 664 armor - with Inner Fire on together with the "Increases your armor from Inner Fire spell by 50%"-glyph and 3/3 talents in Imp Inner Fire - I'm reaching 2230 armor, which is a GREAT deal more. This major glyph makes you go from being some squishy target to a more tough one - benefitting you a lot. To see when your Inner Fire-buff isn't on you anymore, a mod like PowerAuras (/powa) can be suggested. Personally I'm having a sign when there's less than 3 charges of Inner Fire left, and then a stronger sign when it's completely gone. Quite handy. But do not underestimate the importance of keeping it up!"

Inner Fire-glyph is amazing simply. Your armor goes so much up that you become a tanker with shield up. Go get it!

If you're going Holy DPS take points out of SoR and Blessed Recovery (it sucks, looks good on paper but it's not good) and put 3 points into Spirit Tap. Mana regen is the tough part and it's very useful (also gives you a lot more SP when you kill someone)

If you go Disc, I'd suggest this spec:


Just think about it, you spend 4 talent points for this:

-15% more absorption by PW:S. With 150 SP the shield absorbs 500 dmg.. so you spent 3 points on 75 more HP from it?

-That leads to 15% less on PW:S and no cooldown. 15%, 23 mana... no cooldown I havent ever see be useful ever.

It's such a mana waster that absorbs less than a normal flash heal, it's wasteful for say 6% more mitigation.
You raise some very good points... I'm having trouble deciding what I should put those extra disc points into. I can't see the spec you posted either, as a side note is anyone else having troble getting on WoW? It loads slowly gets to "Retriving Charecters" then disconnects :/
"no cooldown I havent ever see be useful ever"

oh ive had a few times where its been plenty helpful in saving somebody's arse...maybe not perfect as far as points go, but I have had it be useful.

No points in Mental Agility is interesting.

I still just really feel like the use of Reflective shield is fully optimized when you put at least some points into the other shield talents. It also isnt entirely fair to compare Shield to a flash heal by way of mana as the two spells are completely different. One is a hard heal with a cast time and the other is an instant cast absorb effect for a good chunk that saves peoples butts and also has some other nifty things going for it which shouldnt need explaining.

Much respect tho vircy, ill be back in game in a few more weeks on a regular basis again ;p

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