Pricecheck - Shadowforge Bushmaster.

SFBM can take [ITEM]10548[/ITEM], BoA can only take [ITEM]10546[/ITEM], and im not 100% sure that even works anymore. (anyone want to do a quick in-game ss?)

At any rate, if someone wants to be cheap and use a BoA thats up to them. SFBM is still going to be used and sought after because its a pure weapon.
Grunge said:
SFBM can take [ITEM]10548[/ITEM], BoA can only take [ITEM]10546[/ITEM], and im not 100% sure that even works anymore. (anyone want to do a quick in-game ss?)

At any rate, if someone wants to be cheap and use a BoA thats up to them. SFBM is still going to be used and sought after because its a pure weapon.

what a fucking tool

both SFBM and BOA can take +5dmg
yes succt, both can take +5 dmg scopes, but you can have a higher level attach a sniper scope to SFBM and then mail it to your twink.

Its been like that forever and you can still do it, it's been done since 3.2. please people.. read a little more into these things before you post.
I would not pay a dime for this, [ITEM]Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon[/ITEM] is better, cheaper, and easier to obtain.
Grunge said:
yes succt, both can take +5 dmg scopes, but you can have a higher level attach a sniper scope to SFBM and then mail it to your twink.

Its been like that forever and you can still do it, it's been done since 3.2. please people.. read a little more into these things before you post.

No dude it cannot SFBM highest scope is +5 as is the BOA

edit: it even says on the link you posted, requires lvl 40
Yes it may require level 40, but it's just like the leg armors for any twinks back in BC when netherclefts and clefthides etc worked. You send it up to the higher leveled character put it on and send it back. You would have a valid argument if it was like BC enchants but it's not. And so the +7 scope is viable unless by putting the scope on it binds it to you, which I wasn't able to check.
Spite, would you mind attaching a sniper scope to that gun? Shouldn't cost more than 10g, i'd like to settle this.
angrybum said:
i cannot currently log on to my char to take a screenshot as i quit the game and gave the account to a friend/uninstalled but....


when i log on to that character and hover over the gun the scope says "requires lvl 40" and is red (not giving the dmg)

huh. my friend told me e could still get it to work, i guess not.

My bad, i was wrong. :rolleyes:

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