Preparing a F2P 20s


Conquered ICC 10 man as level 70 twink!
Hello everyone.

My friend and I just started our journey to being a F2P level 20. Therefore we've read lots of posts within the "20s Shadowlands" and watched several videos about the process.

Currently, we're farming lots of our BiS and different consumables for battleground/arenas. I was wondering which items did you farm to prepare the switch from Vet to F2P and do you have any regrets of not farming a specific items that u now can't get (cause of being F2P).

We are playing: Rouge and Priest (healer)
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Which classes are you playing? This would help people suggest specific things.

General rules that apply:

Make sure XP turn ON before sub expires.
Stock up on extra enchants, BiS can change.
Level your professions while you can easily buy materials.
If your playing a hybrid class farm gear for the other specs, you might want to play it.
Just make sure you have enough enchants and gems for a few extra sets of gear should scaling change. And I guess if you want like tons of consumables for BGs or something?

Everything is acquirable as F2P these days but gems and enchants are by far and away the most annoying and time consuming to farm up without a sub. Everything else is pretty straight forward.
Which classes are you playing? This would help people suggest specific things.

General rules that apply:

Make sure XP turn ON before sub expires.
Stock up on extra enchants, BiS can change.
Level your professions while you can easily buy materials.
If your playing a hybrid class farm gear for the other specs, you might want to play it.
I've updated the post for which classes we are playing. Thanks a lot!
be careful, if you have two accounts and your lvl 20 is currently on a free account. it accumulates experience ... when you want to pay a subscription to transfer stuff, it will level up all at once.

engineering is difficult to assemble without sub.
It would have been nice to see (low level) twink BIS gear with Ask mrrobot but it seems they do not have the bandwidth to enable that. "
We'd love to support BiS for twinks, however, it's quite difficult. In order to do that, we'd need to do theorycraft of the best rotation and playstyles for level 20 characters. Then run simulations, tests, etc. As a team of just 3-people running the entire site, we don't have the bandwidth for that, unfortunately.

Vee (Zoopercat)
I did not know there is even exists a wow guild XP OFF
I joined the Guild several years ago, but due to the cool name I won't leave it.
Hello everyone.

My friend and I just started our journey to being a F2P level 20. Therefore we've read lots of posts within the "20s Shadowlands" and watched several videos about the process.

Currently, we're farming lots of our BiS and different consumables for battleground/arenas. I was wondering which items did you farm to prepare the switch from Vet to F2P and do you have any regrets of not farming a specific items that u now can't get (cause of being F2P).

We are playing: Rouge and Priest (healer)

I think the allied races were a big surprise for me. Everything else was more or less how I thought about it, so what items you may need depend on play style and stuff, but there were surprisingly nice racial from the new races(for example mole machine for the dwarfs) and we can use them for alts at 20.

The other surpises were not so nice. One was that jeeves is unobtainable at 20, that is easier to see now, but before there was no tooltip info about it. The other was that poseidus is very slow, getting that was a waste of time imo even though I still use it from time to time.

Other then that, I think everything is the way it looks, depending what you may want to use that is good idea to obtain while there is access to Auction House and stuff. As "no trade,mail and ah" basically means even basic profession stuff may become difficult to obtain(like foxflowers for blacksmithing, or blood of sargaras for many professions etc.)
Even more so for cata materials for any profession.

While they are technically obtainable, the farm could be unbearable depending on chosen proffs.
So my advice would be to figure out what you want to do at 20 and get what can be helpful for it.
Wait, why ist jeeves unobtainable at 20? I was going for him.

Well... Jeeves itself is bop, so we can't trade it.
Then the question becomes can we make it.
And sadly we can't. On veteran we can get all the mats(we can't get the scrapbots on F2P), but then we can't learn the recipe, as it requires lvl 25.

Without a way to trade it and no way to make it, its only available for characters at 25.

The interesting thing is that wowhead doesn't show it, it shows the northrend engi requirement, but not the level one. Its there, though here is screenshot from today:

Wait, Jeeves, has anyone got the pattern recently that can be learned at 20?
I was wanting to get it on one of my alts. Recently I looted one that couldn’t be learned till 25.
I have it on my Vet but can’t recall when I looted it or where.
I’m hoping it can still be looted and used on a 20. :POGGERS:

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